
I'm so sorry l'd normally never do this but it's literally destroying my Brain because I can't find this fanfic or remember the name... the cover art was green and the first book was done, I can't remember the plot correctly other than it was some girl that bumps into Harry in the book store she works in and she's holding Alice in wonderland in her hand and drops it, he picks it up and starts calling her Alice from then and somehow they meet again and I THINK she ends up opening for his/his bands tour? I know it was a very corrupt duplicity style fanfic and her father wanted her and at the end of the book she is all over the news making her 'comeback' and Harry is shocked she's alive but I genuinely can't remember the name of the book or who wrote it ... can someone please help! I really hope it wasn't taken down from Wattpad because she had already started the sequel. Please let me know if you have read this and remember the name/info


It was called sage by violet Cosby it’s not on here anymore 


Theres probably no way this is gonna be seen but i wanted to thank you for getting me into writing again. Around the start of this year i had a HUGE writing block that lasted months and when i got near the most recent chapters of Complicity i started reading the malignant series, and i remember you said in an authors note that you were around 14-15 when you wrote malignant, which is my age now and it gave me a whole lot of motivation to start again considering how well you did and how good of a writer you are. And now im halfway through an orignial book slightly inspired by duplicity that is currently the furthest ive ever gotten with a book so far, so thank you :) (also i think set fire to the rain would be a sick ass song to tie in with an aven chapter)