
Hello there! Chapter 82 of Angelfire is now up and available to read!
          	I have only remembered today that I meant to update Nocturne as well this week, as time seems to have escaped me for some reason ':) I will update that tomorrow and send another quick announcement when it's out!
          	As always, thank you so much for reading! Take care, and I'll see you on the next one <3


Hello there! Chapter 82 of Angelfire is now up and available to read!

          I have only remembered today that I meant to update Nocturne as well this week, as time seems to have escaped me for some reason ':) I will update that tomorrow and send another quick announcement when it's out!
          As always, thank you so much for reading! Take care, and I'll see you on the next one <3


Hello there! Chapter 81 of Angelfire is now up and available to read!

          I hope you enjoy it! I'm hoping to get a new chapter of Nocturne out this week too, so stay tuned for that :) I am also slowly working on a few artworks that are Whispering Wall related that I plan to post on my Instagram (which I've just reinstated after almost two years heh) when I'm done and will link here when they're up for anyone interested. Arlen and Usk both feature ;)
          As always, thank you so much for reading! Take care of yourselves, and I'll see you on the next one <3


Hello! Chapter 79 of Angelfire is now up and available to read, alongside Chapter 10 of Nocturne :) The Angelfire update is a very long one, so strap in XD
          I hope you enjoy them! Thank you so much for reading, as always <3 Take care of yourselves, and I'll see you on the next one!


Hello there! Just a quick update, as I'm aware that I scheduled a load of updates for this week and was otherwise silent so just a quick check-in :)
          You may or may not have noticed that I didn't complete Nocturne in time for the Novella Contest deadline, as I stopped putting out posts a couple of days ago when I realised I needed more word count to finish than I could write in the time I had left. April started off rough and ended with a grim cold, and I still met the 20K goal so I'm counting it as a win, but it just didn't seem to be in the cards this month that I'd finish on time ':) Still, I will be finishing Nocturne at a more leisurely pace - it hasn't got that long to go now. There will be a double update on Saturday - one for Angelfire and one for Nocturne! The Angelfire chapter is looong so hopefully that'll make up for the posting gap XD Thank you all for your continued support on both projects, and I'll see you on the weekend with new chapters. Take care <3


@CaptainSarcastic101 I'm sorry to hear things have been a struggle. I also decided to cut my losses a few days before the deadline - I don't think I could've made it even without the cold. It's been fun to work on something different for a while though, so I'm glad I entered at all. Thank you! I think I pushed myself a bit too hard for the 20K too, but eh XD


@giveitameaning Awww. Same. I had two weeks of chronic pain that set me back to about 13k and I made the decision three days before to quit while I was ahead. My health is always up and down and I didn't need the added stress. Congrats on the 20k though. ^^ Looking forward to it.


Hello! Just a quick one to say that Nocturne has been updated!

          I hope you enjoy it! As I mentioned yesterday, there'll be more chapters scattered about in the coming days as we approach the deadline for ONC, so stay tuned! Take care, and I'll see you on the next one! <3


@CaptainSarcastic101 Hi, sorry about the late response. Things did get hectic XD But then I got sick and my hands were starting to strain so I decided to settle for reaching 20K within the deadline, which I did. I'm happy with it, and I don't think I'd be happy what I would've produced if I'd rushed as much as I needed to, so I'm feeling fine. I mainly just wanted an excuse to write in another subgenre for a while XD


@giveitameaning Yup. Things about to get hectic. I got about the same count as you but being sick/busy has delayed things. Hope things go smoothly to the end. ^^


Hello there! Chapter 78 of Angelfire is now up and available to read!

          I hope you enjoy it!
          In other news, I've just seen that Nocturne was one of the winners of Round 2 in the Open Novella Contest! Very surprised to see it, but also very happy! It does bring me onto my next couple of points; first, that there'll be a new update for Nocturne tomorrow :) It'll be a sort-of double, since there's a vignette-type scene which doesn't count as a full chapter, so I will also post chapter five.
          Second, since this month has been hectic in my personal life, and I'm still dealing with some things, I will be postponing next week's Angelfire update to the week after so that I can complete Nocturne in time for the end of April. It's still going to be a bit of a scramble, since I did lose writing time in a big chunk of this month for reasons outside of my control, but I'm quite keen to give myself a chance at meeting the deadline ':) So there will at least be Nocturne updates scattered about for the next 10 days.
          I think that is it for now! As always, thank you so much for reading, take care of yourselves, and I'll see you on the next one <3


Hello there! Chapter 77 is now up and available to read :)

          Thank you for your patience with last week's move-around :) Things are quite unsettled at the moment irl so I can't promise I won't have to do it every now and then over the next few weeks - I'll just have to play it by ear, but I'll let you know about any changes in schedule when it comes up.
          But for now, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Take care of yourselves, and I'll see you on the next one <3


Hello there :) Just a quick one this evening, and I apologise for the short notice on this, but I've decided to postpone this week's update to next week. I've had some misgivings about the structure of the chapter so I was planning to do some major edits, but this week kinda came in swinging and I just haven't had the time or energy to do so. Rather than put out a chapter I'm unsure about, I'm going to pause and give myself a chance to recover and look through it with a clearer mind. I don't like doing this so soon after reestablishing weekly updates, but life does what it does sometimes ':) 
          Thank you so much for your understanding, I will be back on comments etc. over the next few days! In the meantime, take care of yourselves, and I'll see you with the next one on Saturday <3


@ giveitameaning  we understand ;)


@giveitameaning take your time.
            Take care of yourself too.


Hello there! I have another double update this week! Chapter 76 of Angelfire and Chapter 4 of Nocturne are now up and available to read :)
          Hope you enjoy the updates! As always thank you so much for reading, take care of yourselves, and I'll see you on the next one <3