
Hello again!
          	My current book "Hopeless Love" is now officially out!
          	Please read and send lots of feedback!
          	New chapters every week on Saturday!
          	With much love,


          So, it's been a while. A very, very, very long while. For that, I apologize. I've had SO MUCH going on. I've moved multiple times, had some health issues, relationship issues, family issues, and financial. To be honest, everything was just so piled on that I let my writing stop completely. It's been so long since I've wrote anything! Which sucks because I love writing and coming up with new plots and ideas and interacting with all of you! But I needed that time for myself, without breaking my brain for new ideas and pushing out chapters constantly, and so I did what I needed and took the time for me.
          And because of that, I'm very happy to announce, that I'm back! Officially! That's right, I'm getting right back into writing. But, that's why I'm making this announcement, because I need your help. Please, please, please, give me story ideas. Teen Wolf, MHA, Avatar, anything really! If I've watched it, I'll try and do a story about it. I just need some ideas, and to know what you would like to see.
          As for my Angel Eye's Series, I'm very sad to say that it has officially come to a close. I love that series dearly, it will always have a special place in my heart, but it was time to say goodbye to it. I loved where it left off, and the last book was honestly very unnecessary and something I did on a whim. So, I'm sad to see it go, but happy to move into new things.
          So, yes, please, reply with ideas, tell me what you'd like to read. We can chat and talk about it. I love hearing input. 
          With much love, 




this message may be offensive
I love each of you but I'm updating as fast I can . This book is not for the faint of heart and it is worse to write. Alot happens. Bear with me! Update soon!
          P.s. going thru some shit and my phone's having issues so might me a few days late sorry :/


Take your time! We can wait <3


@ VelvetDreams82  Don't be sorry and take as much time as you need, also hope it gets better soon <3


Take your time <3