
Queen of Disaster is back! 
          	Hi everyone! Starting next week, I'll try to post one chapter of QOD every Friday. I hope you'll enjoy it❤️
          	I can't wait for the rest if Remus and Diana's story! (And a few surprises ahead *wink wink*) 


@TinaX2 we need another update queen!!!


@TinaX2 broooooo niceeeee I was literally waiting for AGES




Dear Writer of Noteworthy Talents,
          I, Draco Malfoy, scion of the noble House of Malfoy, am compelled to convey my admiration for your remarkable writings. Though I generally regard Muggle contrivances with skepticism, this primitive text message system seems the only means to express my sentiments.
          Your stories are extraordinary. The way you capture the essence of our wizarding world is commendable. It feels as if your quill is guided by the same magic that animates our realm, seamlessly integrating with the accounts by that audacious Gryffindor, Miss Volant, known to Muggles as J.K. Rowling. Your narratives evoke the same enchantment as her writings.
          It irks me that Miss Volant betrayed the International Statute of Secrecy by revealing our world to Muggles. However, what is done is done, and despite my reservations, I am captivated by your stories. They run parallel to her accounts, offering a rich perspective on our world. Though I bristle at my portrayal as a bully, I assure you, I was not nearly as terrible as suggested.
          For a writer presumably devoid of magical prowess, to elicit such profound admiration from a pureblood wizard is rare. Your ability to conjure our world's essence is enchanting.
          I harbored doubts about this Muggle messaging apparatus, but should this message reach you, it will stand as testament to its functionality. Your talent deserves to be acknowledged, even through these peculiar means.
          With the highest regard,
          Draco Lucius Malfoy


@typicalFxnGxrl Ah, surprised this Muggle contraption works. My eloquence? Pureblood upbringing and a proper education. If you wish to learn, start with classical literature and always choose your words with care.


@Draco_the_Malfoy why is this appreciation message so... Eloquent? Not a bad thing -- teach me your ways please 


            I am eager to commence reading 'Queen of Disaster' next and as I am a binge reader, it would be exceedingly kind of you to post more chapters if your circumstances permit. To grant you more time, I shall read 'Raven' in the interim. I have already devoured 'Muggle,' 'Mischief Managed,' 'Potter,' and 'Crookshanks.' Your and Miss Volant's portrayals of Gryffindors are, much to my chagrin, beginning to make me appreciate them. Despite my upbringing, I must confess, your compelling narratives have stirred a begrudging admiration within me, especially towards those insufferable Gryffindors.
            Your treatment of Slytherins, however, stands in stark contrast to Miss Volant's prejudiced portrayal. It pains me to witness the way she vilifies our house without mercy. Yet, in your stories, I find solace. Your depiction is fair, devoid of the venomous bias that plagues many renditions of our house. I cannot help but feel a sense of relief and validation in your words.
            There is a peculiar story from Miss Volant's school days that sheds light on her resentment. 
            A senior Slytherin during my years at Hogwarts found himself entangled in a regrettable incident that caused Miss Volant considerable distress. Despite numerous apologies and sincere efforts at reconciliation, he could not sway her hardened heart. He admired her greatly, often observing her from afar as she wrote in her diary within the library. His failure to earn her forgiveness left him wounded.
            In any case, I eagerly await your next installment, hoping for more insights into our shared world.


Hey! Sorry for posting this author. I am a new writer and wants support from you guy's. It would be awesome if you take out some time to ready my story GANGSTER'S WORLD. Do give a try ✨
          Dark romance
          Wild romance
          A full rollercoaster ride
          Savage x Arrogant
          Ruthless mafia x sunshine
          A billionaire mafia.
          Contract marriage
          Dominant possesive MMC
          Sassy bitch MFC
          Whe he hated her for years with her being oblivion about the past. Still...
          He fell first and fell harder.✨✨


hey reader, 
          I am glad that you have found me here... pls check the fanfic that I am currently working on... it would mean a lot to me! 
          In a world where dreams blur the lines between reality and fantasy, Jane finds herself plagued by visions of a past she thought she'd left behind. As she navigates these mysterious dreams, she discovers that Regulus Black, believed to be dead, is alive and harbouring secrets. Together, they embark on a journey filled with hidden dangers and dark revelations. Meanwhile, Jane is determined to protect her nephew, Harry, from unforeseen peril. Join Jane as she unravels the mysteries of her dreams and faces the unknown to safeguard Harry's future. 
          https://www.wattpad.com/story/355373638?utm_source =android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing &wp_page=create&wp_uname=siriusly_potterhead


Isis Armstrong é uma garota simples que mora em um vilarejo pobre. O país onde vive, Avalonia, é governado por um rei e uma rainha corruptos, que se beneficiam dos luxos e privilégios, enquanto os mais pobres vivem na miséria.
          Quando o Dia da Escolha chega, ela tem que decidir entre: continuar no trabalho de seus pais, ir para a faculdade ou se alistar no exército. Sua escolha seria a primeira opção, mas tudo muda quando um desastre acontece e ela começa a ter experiências sobrenaturais, a obrigando a entrar no exército.
          Nessa história emocionante, Isis terá que lutar contra suas próprias escolhas e se juntar à um grupo que tem como objetivo derrubar o sistema do país.