
Puppies were just born and my hands are full right now with total cuteness. I hope to get back to reading your stories and writing soon! Thankfully I have a few chapters  of Unlikely Places done already so if I can find the time to proof, I will at least update UP.   
          	Everyone stay safe! 


@ReadAnyGoodBLLately  awwww!!! I'd imagine. I wanna get a puppy, preferably a rescue. But I need to get a bigger place. Once I do, I'll go puppy finding! I'm too excited.  Right now I cuddle my best friends' pups - one is like 60 lbs. The other is a little Maltese...I cant with their cuteness tho
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@SuSuKhaa Thank you!  They are Olde English Bulldogge. So stinking cute! I put a picture of momma and one of her babies in the new chapter I just updated. Hopefully I will find some time soon. I really want to get back to your story. I am a big Wolf fan!  
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@ReadAnyGoodBLLately PUPPIESSSSSSSS!!!! YAY congrats! What kind of puppies?
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@Rose_Moon94 what a coincidence---My Favorite Person and My Cowriter, too!
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