
Today is Luna Blackbean's 7th gotcha-versary in real life, and Sirius's 20th in the story. Busy morning for me!


@Pengiwen I was confused but then I read in the story- HAPPY BDAY LOVIES


@Pengiwen Happy birthday Luna and Sirius!!!


@Pengiwen Happy Gotcha Day to Luna! 


Today is Luna Blackbean's 7th gotcha-versary in real life, and Sirius's 20th in the story. Busy morning for me!


@Pengiwen I was confused but then I read in the story- HAPPY BDAY LOVIES


@Pengiwen Happy birthday Luna and Sirius!!!


@Pengiwen Happy Gotcha Day to Luna! 


I've asked this before, but it was ages ago, and I really can't be bothered to scroll down, haha. but how do you make your covers??


ohhh okay! that makes sense!!! they are very goodd


I'm a professional graphic designer (it's my job) and have the Adobe software. I use Photoshop and Illustrator to create the covers along with stock images. The TMS covers have 6 different photos composited to create the image I wanted.


Update: I will officially be contributing two short stories for the Marauders With Palestine Project! I'll announce with links when the stories are available (the project is posting to Ao3 sometime around the end of June). But don't worry: I have updates for both Swimming Lessons and Aways in my drafts that will be polished and posted this weekend.


@Pengiwen FREE PALESTINEE i love the marauders fandom so muchh


I'm so happy for this fandom ❤️


Somehow I am late to this news story, but apparently there's a whole movement of Marauders fans working together to change the world. I am working on getting involved and will update if I am able to, but in case there are people who haven't seen this yet - check out this project to help the people of Palestine... Marauders style.


@RemusLupins_LeftShoe I am thankful for the same thing - being able to learn, communicate, share, and love without judgment is extremely important. People need to feel seen and heard and know they are loved - that is the atmosphere that I want to exude and build at all times. Arguments grow in places where hate lives. We all deserve to be heard and seen.


@Pengiwen I 100% agree, we're all equal and I hope and pray that the fighting will stop. Thank yall for giving a bit of insight! To me, the innocent people and children on both sides of a too long and unnecessary war, no matter how it started, have my whole heart. ❤️ And I will say, it makes me so happy to have a space here where I can communicate and learn about things going on without being attacked, so thank you. 


@RemusLupins_LeftShoe It is a very turbulent history with neither side being one hundred percent in the right when it comes to the over all fight. Both have done wrong, both continue to do wrong. However the war crimes and suffering of children and refugees is wrong without getting into the overall political mess that has been ongoing for literally thousands of years. The Israeli government has forgotten what it was like for the Jews to be the victims of genocide and have over compensated and their tactics are chillingly similar to those once used against them. You can't fight violence with violence - more bombs are not the answer - so regardless of the views people take on the long term war as far as land ownership and the 1000s of years of history leading up to here, we are still dealing with heartless acts of cruelty and unnecessary attacks. We're still dealing with an apartheid and a genocide attack and they are backed by a religious community whose cry is to love thy neighbors as thyself... Supporting the aid to the victims is vitally important to following the command of loving others. Nobody is 100% right until the weapons are laid down and there is love.


hi, i dont want to beat around the bush so i just want to tell you that your books are the best thing that have EVER happened to me.
          i found tms in one of the lowest parts of my life, around mid july of 2023. i loved it so much i binge read it in 8 days. i cried too many times, i laughed too many times, and it got me through life so much mentally.
          i even (after ootp2) physically stopped myself from reading your books because i didnt want them to end and i wanted to forget them so i could rereas them with no memory of what happened. i know it sounds stupid but yeah.
          your books helped me so much in my lowest. i just needed you to know that. :)


I am so thankful you found the books when you needed them. I hope you are doing good and that you continue to feel seen and loved and that you are in a good place now. I love you! If you ever need to talk, please feel free to DM me or reach out on Insta @hgmartinwrites or discord @hgmartin 


Hiii, I I love The Marauders’ series, I’m rereading it and I just wanted to ask you who are your fan casts? Like, who are you picturing when you write about the characters? I’m so curious! 


thank you so much! 


Actually I'd like to recast Remus - Tom was my original cast for Rey but  P4perback from Instagram/Youtube fits so much better what's actually in my head.


@Abeehazzx This entire interview is James mannerisms and everything to a T in my head: (It's Cole on the Drew Barrymore show)


I am told that notifications are not coming across, but Swimming Lessons (the Jegulus fic I was dared to write) is loaded to Chapter 3. 


@Pengiwen Can't wait, will read as soon as updated


@Dramagirl51015 TMS will be updated soon too


@Pengiwen Yes, the notifications are not working well. Thank you so much for informing, I can't wait to read more!
            Also excited to know more about- Marauders Always Part One!


On this day, twenty-six years ago, the Battle of Hogwarts was fought. The sky over that beloved castle glowed with the flash of dark magic clashing against the protective charms that surrounded it, the strength of the love of every member of staff on site that night. The portraits on the walls cried out in shock and fear as their frames shook from the impact of the breaking shields... and as the Death Eaters converged upon the castle, the dead lay in rows on the floor of the Great Hall.
          Voldemort fought to take over the castle, yes, but more disturbingly he was laying siege against love. His goal that night was not particularly to take control of a school, but to send the message that nothing was sacred, no love magic strong enough to be kept from demise. "Love is weak," he hissed, "And we shall prove once and for all that love cannot win." For above all, beyond Dumbledore and the Potters, the greatest enemy of Voldemort was love. It always had been... And he would see to it that love was devastated that night.
          That night was the night that everything changed. It was the night that--
          Wait a minute.
          The night everything changed.
          I --
          I know when Declan is.


@Pengiwen Happy (?) Battle of Hogwarts Day, Pengiwen! You write so well!


@QueenSaysan you are actually so smart, I was quite lost


@QueenSaysan wait you might be onto something