
I'll be taking DENALI IN HIDING down in a week so that I can make it available to Kindle Unlimited readers. (KU's rules don't allow a story to be on the web in other places.)
          	If you are in the middle of reading it and you don't think that's enough time to finish, just shoot me a message. :)
          	I will be keeping all THE LOST DAUGHTER chapters up for the foreseeable future and will add more soon. Thanks as always for your patience and your interest in my stories. :)


I'll be taking DENALI IN HIDING down in a week so that I can make it available to Kindle Unlimited readers. (KU's rules don't allow a story to be on the web in other places.)
          If you are in the middle of reading it and you don't think that's enough time to finish, just shoot me a message. :)
          I will be keeping all THE LOST DAUGHTER chapters up for the foreseeable future and will add more soon. Thanks as always for your patience and your interest in my stories. :)


My two published books are now only 99 cents!!!
          Quinn is looking forward to her senior year at Poe University. She has big plans to hang out with her best friend, flirt with a certain boy genius, party at her favorite dive bar and figure out what she's going to do after graduation with her not-so-useful art major. But that's before she meets Luke, a hot townie who's moved back home to help take care of his dying sister. And it's before a weird epidemic sweeps across campus, mysteriously turning people's eyes purple.
          Is it an odd side effect from a new party drug?
          Is it a rogue virus developed in a campus lab?
          Is it the mark of the devil?
          Soon the town starts blaming the university and the student religious group becomes frighteningly aggressive in their on-campus accusations. Quinn and Luke are caught in the middle—until a tragic accident forces Luke to reveal the one part of himself he's kept carefully hidden. That he's so much more than the happy-go-lucky boy next door Quinn had believed him to be isn't a surprise…but this truth might be too dangerous for her to handle.

          Instead of eating ramen and meeting frat guys like most college freshmen, Peyton Arthur is on the campaign trail. Traveling with her mother, the Democratic pick for vice president, she's ordering room service, sneaking glances at cute campaign intern Dylan and deflecting interview questions about the tragic loss of her father. But when a reporter questions her paternity, her world goes into a tailspin.
          Dylan left Yale and joined the campaign to make a difference, not keep tabs on some girl. But with the paternity scandal blowing up and Peyton asking questions, he's been tasked to watch her every move. 


Will Denali be back? It was the first story I got into when I first joined Wattpad! I absolutely loved it!


@CaitlinSinead I got so exited when I saw the new chapter!!


@jo_one I just posted a new chapter. I'll be posting every few days until the story is concluded (in about 12 more chapters). Thanks for reading! :)


Hey everyone!
          If you want to donate to a great cause (RAINN) and get a query and ten page critique from me, please bid on my item at Writers for Hope:
          There are lots of other really great items too, so please check it out. :)
          Also, I know I've been quite MIA years. I had lots of personal and professional stuff (mostly good, some great!) distracting me, but I'm hoping to get back in the swing of writing for wattpad soon. 
          Thanks as always for the reads/likes/comments and patience. :)


What happened to Denali? Are you going to update it anytime soon?


@riesebvaldez I just posted a new chapter. I'll be posting every few days until the story is concluded (in about 12 more chapters). Thanks for reading! :)


@riesebvaldez I am just getting back to this now. Sorry for missing your comment so long ago! I hope to have some updates to finish out the story soon. thanks for reading :)


Hey guys, if you're planning to enter #PitchWars, guess what, I'm a mentor this year!!!!
          Here's the list of 2016 mentors: 
          Note I'll only be accepting New Adult and Adult novels (so if you write YA you'll need to submit to those mentors). 
          Let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see some of your submissions this August! :)
          Happy writing!


@CaitlinSinead I didn't know you were on Wattpad!!! Gasp! Hi!


Also, as a reminder, I'm still giving away copies of my books to Wattpaders!
          So if RED BLOODED piqued your interest, shoot me an email. :)
          A few notes
          -My email is caitlinsineadj - @ - gmail - .com. (minus the dashes and spaces of course) 
          -Please let me know whether you'd like an Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift copy. These are the only two versions I'm giving out right now, but you can read Amazon versions on most phones, tablets, and computers. 
          -  Please let me know which book (RED BLOODED or HEARTSICK) you would like. 

          -Both do have some adult content. As romance levels go, the heat level is "warm," so there is not a ton of sex or anything like that, but there are some sexual scenes and situations (more on heat levels here: Please only request a copy if this content is appropriate for you. 
          - One ebook per email address. I'd like to give this to as many of my amazing Wattpad readers as I can! 
          - This giveaway will go on until I send 50 gift copies. When I reach that, I'll post an update on my profile and in the original post. So, if there is no update, and you'd like a copy, email me! :)