
The newest chapter of Tales of Dusk will be out this afternoon. Sorry for the delay and thank you so much for your patience > x < <33


Due to the update to Wattpad's update on acceptable content and the age of characters for "explicit content", Neil is getting his 18th birthday! XD *party poppers* 
          It doesn't make a huge difference story wise since he is still like 40 to 50 something vampire years old, short as heck, and emotionally immature because adult brains don't fully mature till 22-25, but just to be a good author, I will be updating any mention of him being 17(when he was changed into a vampire) to 18 in any books he is in. 
          (This includes, Rush of Dusk, Breath of Spring, Dawn of Seasons, Cover of Moonlight, Sun's Shadow, Shattered Bounds, and (Is there a book I DIDN'T put him in???)
          So if you see the updates on old books, it's just me changing that small detail :3 
          (It's nothing fun. Just boring age adjustments xD)


So I have looked at suggestions, so much were fiction, and theory crafted to death a bunch of stories! 
          I will be compiling stories and releasing both a Were/Fantasy story quite similar to my Dusk series, With my signature strong female lead, hot men, pack competition, and a whole world of unfolding drama and an expanding world. 
          And I will also be releasing a very Hot Romance set in the real world time with a human stumbling on the werewolf world and deciding to explore all it has to offer. This one will be hot out the door, while my fantasy will be romantic tension the builds over the story. 
          These will both be coming out in Mid/Late April! So keep an eye out then if you're interested >:3


To all my lovely readers, I am Participating in ONC(Open Novella Contest) this year! If you would like to swing by my entry and give it a gander, I woudl much appreciate it. :3
          Take an adventure into the land of dreams with Heidi as she tries to restore the world to it rightful state as well as figure out if that is better than the nightmare she walks!


Pretend you don't see the typos in the announcement xD


The chapter of Shattered Bounds will be a bit late this week. I’ve been busy with my son being super codependent in this phase and my husband getting a new job, so I’ve been a bit busy. 
          This weeks chapter is half typed but I want it to be its best and I don’t have the “ooomph” to type well with my workload today. I might have it later this week but I might post two chapters next week instead.
          Thank you so much for reading and I’ll keep you updated!