Chapter 14

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Jenna woke up the next day as she felt the rays of sun against her eyelids. Opening her eyes, she yawned and stretched as she got out of her four-poster and took a look around the dorm. The other three girls were still fast asleep in their beds.

Jenna threw a quick glance at the little clock on her nightstand. She had woken up even earlier than usual, and still had an hour until the others would wake for breakfast.

So she took her time and went for a quick shower in the bathroom inside the dorm and brushed her teeth. In the mirror Jenna found her hair a light color of purple, which only meant that she'd had a peaceful dream and had slept pretty well. But she soon shook her head and focused, turning her wavy long hair back to blue. That was easily her favorite color.

With that, Jenna changed into her Hogwarts robes and took the envelope she had written last night, tiptoeing out of the room and quietly closing its door behind her.

Jenna walked down the spiral staircase and into the common room, which was now empty. The only sound that could be heard was the light crackling of the fire that was slowly burning before the scarlet couches and armchairs.

Yawning one more time and rubbing her eye, Jenna made her way out of the common room as she opened the portrait of the Fat Lady and stepped outside. The halls of the castle were deep in silence, although there were so many different corridors and chambers on her way that Jenna found herself lost a couple of times.

It took her a long while to find her way toward the Owlery, but at last she got to the top of the tower, where she was faced with hundreds of owls, some sleeping and resting in their nests, and some just returning back from their night-time hunts or back from delivering a letter.

Jenna spotted an owl that was still awake and walked toward him, handing him the letter, and so the owl took it with his beak on cue.

"Please take this to Euphemia and Fleamont Potter. You must know where to find them," Jenna said and with that the owl took off, flying out of the Owlery as Jenna watched him leave, until he eventually vanished from sight and disappeared into the horizon.

Jenna then decided to go directly back to the Great Hall, because if she wanted to go to her dorm first to get her bag, she might've missed breakfast. Chances were that she was going to lose her way up to the common room again, and she didn't want to miss the meal.

Finding her way back was slightly easier than in the morning, though Jenna was sure that there had to be a quicker way to the Great Hall and knew she was going to find all about it later on.

When she reached the entrance hall, she saw that other students were making their way into their Great Hall from different directions, to have some breakfast before heading to their classes.

Jenna walked into the Hall along with the others and a smile was formed on her lips as she made her way toward the Gryffindor table, where hundreds of toasts, bacons, sausages, and eggs were set. A few pots of orange juice and pumpkin juice were floating above the table magically so when you raised your goblet, they would pour the juice into it for you.

Jenna came to a short pause to glance around the Gryffindor table to see if she could spot her brother, but James was nowhere in sight. She assumed that he was still either asleep, or was trying to make his hair in front of the mirror. She always used to tease James about it, seeing as no matter what he did, his jet-black hair would always remain messy.

     Instead, Jenna saw Lily Evans and Alice Fortescue sitting at the table, speaking as they ate their breakfast. But Jenna rather not join them, because she felt like Lily didn't like her much after how Sirius and James had mocked her and her friend back in the train. Little did she know that Lily Evans was way kinder than that.

A few feet over, Jenna sighted the boy she had sat in the boat with last night, Remus Lupin. He was reading a book while taking small bites of his toast. He looked even shabbier than he did last night, and apparently the hours of sleep hadn't fixed the dark shadows under his eyes.

Remus was also sitting with another boy whom Jenna had seen among the first years last night. The chubby boy still seemed a little nervous while he was sitting quietly beside Remus, though it was obvious that he was enjoying his breakfast to the fullest as he kept putting loads of bacons on his plate, refilling it again and again.

"Hi, Remus," Jenna said with a little smile after she had approached them, causing him to look up at her.

"Oh, hello." Remus smiled back, lowering his book. "Jenna, was it?"

She nodded in response, before saying, "Have you seen my brother? I suppose he's in the same dorm as you, right?"

"Yeah. He was still getting ready when I came down," he answered. "He should be done by now."

"Doubt it." Jenna scoffed mockingly, making Remus chuckle.

"Oh, by the way, this is my friend Peter," said Remus, gesturing over at his friend.

"Hey," Jenna gave him a small yet friendly wave.

But Peter's mouth was full at the moment and he couldn't answer, so his ears went red in embarrassment and he just waved back shyly.

"All right, I guess I'll see you guys later," said Jenna. She was just about to turn around to leave and sit somewhere else to wait for James, but she was stopped when Remus called her again.

"You know, you can join us, if you like," Remus offered with a little shrug.

     Jenna hesitated at first, but then she finally smiled, nodding in appreciation as she sat down beside them for breakfast.

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