Chapter 88

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Killian's POV

"Fucks sake, she's taking forever. Let's go." Kian groans, walking over and standing next to me while I face the staircase waiting for Layla to come down.

I roll my eyes in response. "Just shut up."

He scoffs, sneering. "Why does she even need to come? You have work, the least you need now is a distraction." He continues, and I shoot him with a glare.

What the hell is his problem?

"She's not going for me, she's going for Luca since he'll be working till late again, now go and sit the fuck back down or leave, I didn't ask for you to wait up." I run my fingers against my forehead as an ache begins to form.

He scoffs. "Yeah I sure bet that's the reason." He gives me a look, as he leans his back against the wall, looking towards the stairs with a scowl.

Just when I think he'll stop talking, his gob opens again.

"I think she's going to totally ruin this business at this point. How many flops have you had since you met her?" He glances at me with a raised brow. "You had to kill off one of our guys because of her."

I sigh aggravatedly, how stupid is he?

"He was feeding information to Vinnie all this time, what part of that don't you fucking understand?" I reply with a glare and he just chuckles.

"Oh information about some girl you like, barely a reason--" he cuts himself off when I shove him against the wall.

"I gave him too many chances, and you know it." I snap. "In fact I should have killed him from the moment I found him trying to force himself on a girl he was almost twice the size of. Sick fucks like him deserve to die." I spat.

His eyes were wide with shock and fear, as I continue to keep a firm grip on his neck.

"Guys, I'm almost ready. I just need to brush my hair but I can't find my brush." I hear Layla's voice descending from the stairs and I shove Kian to the side who grunts in response, glaring at me as he rubs his neck.

She appears into our view, her grey eyes landing on me as she raises a brow.

Layla's POV

"Uh.. did I interrupt something?" I flicker my glaze to Kian who was running his hands on his neck in pain, before glancing back at Killian who had anger etched to his features as he ran fingers through his hair.

With no response, I awkwardly walk past as I head to the living room.

There I find my hairbrush on the sofa, grabbing it I head out and go up the stairs, ignoring the way Kian and Killian continued to argue with each other.

I sigh, shaking my head.

I don't know why they're just standing in the hallway when they could wait by watching some TV or something.

I enter my room, raking my brush through my tangled hair, whilst gathering stuff to take with me to Killian's house.

my eyes then suddenly land on the window.

I could see two cars on the curb one being Killian's which was the black vehicle and another presuming Kian's. But suddenly my eyes land on a tall figure standing too close to Killian's car.

I narrow my eyes, walking closer to the window, noticing his eyes were glued towards our house the whole time and I gulp, as I hold my breath.

As I stand in front of the window, I bring my face closer to get a look at his face.

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