Chapter 12:- Memorial and Date

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"Well, this is one hell of a way to meet the family"

The training was over for the morning and Selena had just showered. She was still clad in a towel in her bedroom, reaching for her clothes laid out on the bed when she heard a knock on her door and in walked Xavier.

He stood right there on the door, didn't take a single step forward. Zeon growled in his mind appreciatively and possessively as Xavier just drank in the sight of his mate.

Selena, on the other hand, looked like a deer caught in headlights. Her eyes were wide and she held on to the towel for dear life. Izzy was very happy about the situation. The wolf knew her human needed more time to seal the bond but that didn't mean that she didn't want it to happen earlier. They are soul mates!

"Xavier?" Selena said questioningly.

He remained quiet, his eyes, once again, went from her long, toned legs, and didn't stop until he looked right at her eyes, "You are so beautiful," he whispered.

"Xavier!" she said a bit louder this time.

Xavier smiled at her cheekily, "Get dressed up, we leave in like half an hour.

Half an hour later, Selena found herself in a car with Xavier, she stayed quiet, mostly because she didn't know what to really say to him. Her cheeks were still red from what happened a little while ago.

Selena was desperate to move on from the embarrassment. She turned towards Xavier, "Where are we going?"

Xavier stayed quiet. He was taking a risk here, going in a direction different from a typical date. This will either earn him extra points or will do the complete opposite.

"You'll see," is all Xavier said as he gave her a small smile.

Selena stared at him, just studying him, he was way too stoic, even for him. She suddenly said, "You're nervous."

Xavier scoffed but didn't respond. Selena also chose to stay quiet until he spoke, "I don't know if you will like it."

"We are soul mates. Even if I don't like my first date with you, it's not like I won't be back for a second one," she stated, "We're a done deal for life."

Xavier peeked a glance at her before he looked at the front again. A frown was on his face as he thought about what she just said and what he wanted to say.

"Selena," he paused. How to phrase it? He felt his mate turn to face him again. Taking a deep breath, he began, "I don't want you to be with me because you feel like you have to," he looked at her while saying this last line, "I'd rather it be because you want to."

Selena didn't say anything after this. Xavier kept on driving as Selena just looked at him. was he just a softie under the hardcover of this big and tough alpha? Maybe. She hadn't said that because she didn't want him. She did. Her heartbeat would spike every time he was around, she would be smiling every time he said anything to her. Every time they touch each other, even the most innocent touches, left her wanting more. Selena most definitely did want him.

The drive took another hour until Selena, surprisingly, realised that she knew the surroundings. The town they sped past looked way too similar, and that is when her breath caught in her throat. What the hell was he doing?

They entered the woods and Xavier slowed down. He drove slowly through a path made. Selena shivered when she felt the shiver down her spine and her wolf's growl.

Izzy was angry. Furious. Not at her mate, but the memories that this place brought to her. She wanted blood, and it wasn't helping Selena stay calm. The car stopped right in front of a huge, broken house, that Selena recognized a bit too well.

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