Chapter 21

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I blink my eyes open.

I exhale in relief when I look outside and it's still dark. I haven't lost much time.

I feel like absolute trash. Worse than trash. I feel dead. Completely drained.

I don't remember much of my vision, only blood. So much blood.

"Your theatrics make mine look like child's play," Killian drawls, sitting in the corner of the room, and I jump, not noticing he was there before.

"My theatrics?" I repeat in confusion, but my throat is so dry the words sound strangled.

Killian gets out of the chair and hands me a glass of water. I begin drinking, and Killian says, "Yes, darling, your theatrics. Your eyes, nose, and mouth start gushing blood as soon as you touch Dorian, and then you pass out for three days. Seems a little over dramatic if you-"

I choke on my water. "Three days?" I squeak.

Killian looks unbothered. "Yeah, the ball was three nights ago. Are you sure that this is normal because-"

"You're sure?" I interrupt, panicked. "Three days have gone by?"

Killian looks confused. "Yeah, why?"

Three days. I've just lost three days of my already rapidly depleting number.

"No," I whisper in horror.

"Katrina, are you okay?" Killian asks, worry marring his face. "I mean, obviously not since you were out for three days, but you say that's normal, right? That it's a Seer thing?"

"It's a Seer thing," I confirm drily. Not technically a lie. The longer Seers pass out from their visions, the closer they are to dying. Three days.

And it would only get worse.

"I have some painkillers from the healer," Killian says, handing me a few pills. I take them, but they won't help. I'm dying from the Sight, medicine won't do anything.

"Aren't you going to ask me what I saw?" I ask.

Killian hesitates. "I don't want to push you right now."

"Tell the circulus to come immediately," I say quietly.

Killian's eyes flash in alarm, but he nods, and mindlinks them.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Killian asks, frowning at me. I'm sure I look like shit.

I feel terrible.

"Fine," I smile weakly. "I'll be good as new soon enough."

Killian exhales in relief. I realize that he's wearing his clothes from the ball. He's not in his jacket, but his black collared undershirt is still on, a few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up.

I frown at his disheveled appearance. "Are you sure three days have gone by? You're still in your clothes from the ball."

"Someone had to make sure you weren't about to die," Killian jokes, and he doesn't realize just how accurate his words are.

My frown deepens. "You've been in here the whole time?"


"You could have teleported home, showered, and changed in a few minutes," I point out.

Killian smiles slightly and opens his mouth to respond, but the circulus barges in.

"You scared me!" Layla screams, jumping on the bed.

"You look great, champ," Maryn lies, punching my shoulder.

"Liar," Knox says to her, his eyes narrowing at me in suspicion. "Why do you look like you're half-dead?" He turns to Killian and says in an accusatory tone, "You said this was normal for Seers."

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