10. Dodgeball

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As it turned out, I was right about Caleb. For the next two weeks he practically ignored me at school. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. And a little hurt. Part of me knew I was being completely irrational. I'd only met the guy a handful of times and here I was, mooning over him as he chatted off to the side with Missy. 

I was in gym class and sat with Mia. We were playing dodgeball in the gym and Caleb was sat up in the first row of the bleachers. I stared at Missy, albeit a little bit jealously. They did look like the perfect couple. Caleb wore black jeans and a dark grey hoodie. It matched his eyes perfectly. His pale skin looked smooth and his smile could probably light up the entire school. I had to physically stop myself from drooling. 

I glared at Missy. Perfect Missy. Her hair was styled in to a french braid and she had on gold hoop earrings, which if you ask me is a little bit ridiculous when we're in the middle of gym class. Her blue gym shorts were probably two sizes too small and her t-shirt might as well have been a crop top. I looked down at myself, miserably. I had on my favourite pair of joggers and one of my old shirts with a pizza stain on the left side. I put my head in my hands. 

"You ok, there?" Mia asked, scooting closer and patting me on the shoulder. "You look a bit miserable."

"That's because I am," I sighed, glancing over towards Caleb. 

Mia looked over her shoulder briefly and then back at me. "Ah, boy troubles is it?"

I snorted. "I wish. He doesn't even know I exist."

"Then why does he keep looking over at you then?"

"Ha," I shook my head vigorously. "He really doesn't."

"You may not have noticed it, but I have. Every now and then he glances over at you, when you're not looking."

"I don't believe you. Who's going to look at me when Missy is right in front of them with her boobs practically in his face?"

"Boobs aren't everything," Mia laughed. "He must like your wit and charm."

"I don't have wit and charm either," I grumbled. 

"You need to stop being so down on yourself," Mia scolded, pointing a finger at me. "You're a knock out and I'm sure half the boys at Saint Valley would chop off their left arm to date you."

"I think you have me confused with you," I argued, jumping to my feet as the whistle suddenly blew. 

I glanced over as Missy blew a kiss to Caleb and sashayed over to  the group. It was like she was trying to be a catwalk model on the runway. It irked me that it was rubbing me up the wrong way so much. I had never even cared about Missy or what she was doing, but for some reason everything she did was annoying me. I needed to get a grip. Although dodgeball was the perfect game to let out some rage. 

Mrs Gordon split us in to two teams. Unfortunately, Mia was placed on the other team with Missy so I was stuck on my own with most of the cheerleaders and a girl named Britney. She was into her comic books and reading and was pretty cool, so we stuck together. Mrs Gordon ducked in to her large sack of dodgeballs and threw a few of them randomly to each team. The whistle blew again and the sound of feet scraping against the hardwood floor echoed around the gym. I glanced over at Caleb. He had headphones in, but his eyes were focused on the game. He glanced over at me momentarily and smiled. I whirled around and grabbed a dodgeball as it came flying towards my face. 

"Thanks, Mrs Gordon," I said sarcastically, avoiding a definite black eye. 

"You ladies know the rules," she shouted, blowing her whistle once more. "Your goal is to hit all members of the opposing team. Do not aim for the head and play nice. If you catch an opponent's ball, then they will be out. Ready. Go."

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