#11 Tolerance - Our Necessity

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|मात्रास्पर्शास्तु कौन्तेय शीतोष्णसुखदु: खदा: |

||आगमापायिनोऽनित्यास्तांस्तितिक्षस्व भारत ||

Chapter 2 , verse 14 of Bhagvat Geeta- it says that happiness and pain are the part of a person's life , just like the seasons on the Earth change with time , happiness and pain keep changing in our lives. The thing we need to do is to tolerate all. In Shreemad Bhagvatam again it is written that only by tolerance one can defeat avarice and desires.

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In the present time , tolerance has become a necessity for us.People have developed so much hatred for each other nowadays that its unimaginable. If a person can't bring happiness in one's life , then at least don't try to hurt them. Promote peace and harmony , and then world will soon become a blissful place to live.

Here I would like to quote some lines from famous people around the world -

"The highest result of education is tolerance" - Helen Keller

"Compassion and tolerance are not the signs of weakness , but a sign of strength

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"Compassion and tolerance are not the signs of weakness , but a sign of strength." - Dalai Lama

"Anger and Intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding

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"Anger and Intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding."- Mahatma Gandhi

"- Mahatma Gandhi

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..........With this I think I should end my book. Hope you all have learned something from each chapter. I thank you for reading till the last.

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