Perfection (46)

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Lara hadn't lied. She had healed everyone. There wasn't a single scratch, and the aches and bruises Max had been expecting to feel now that all the adrenaline had worn off were absent.

They'd returned briefly to the River mansion, helping get everything back in order, but the pair had soon left to go back to Max's house. They'd cleaned and restored order to his furniture and cushions and retired to the bedroom.

The first thing Kyle had done once there was take Max's face in his hands and press their lips together. Ah, Max had missed this, missed the feel of Kyle's body pushed up against his. The upward tilt of his chin to meet Kyle's fervent kisses. Max needed this.

Kyle's arms came around, one hand taking a firm hold at the back of Max's head, the other making a teasing path of caresses that began at the nape of Max's neck to end at his ass and his knees went weak as Kyle gripped hard.

Sighing, Max broke the kiss to mouth at Kyle's neck and he revelled in the quiet moan he received for the action, then nuzzled at the gentle raise of the scar Max had put there. This was Max's mate, and everyone would know it.

His shirt and trousers were pulled away, and Max was lowered to the bed. Every motion Kyle made was so full of love and care that Max could have cried, but he ached for Kyle's touch more, burned with needing to give Kyle what he wanted and everything Max had to give.

Careful in preparing Max, Kyle had him whining and moaning like it was their first time. And when Kyle finally entered him, Max sobbed his relief, his desire too much to hold back.

The first round didn't last long - both men having gone too long without this type of connection, but they made up for it. And lying in the afterglow, sweaty and warm, Max's heart was so full of love for Kyle it could have burst from his chest.

"Are you alright?" Max asked, voice soft. He felt as if he had been shouting since Kyle had almost died, but there was no hoarseness to mark the stress he'd put on his vocal cords.

Kyle smiled at him, his real smile, and Max's insides trembled. "You've asked me that, Kitten. I'm fine." Concern dipped the corner of his mouth. "What about you? You told me what happened, but..."

Max nodded, then lifted Kyle's hand to press a kiss to his knuckles. "I was so angry. I'm grateful that Lara saved your life, but I can't forgive the fact that she took you from me in the first place."

Kyle's eyes were sad. The darkness in them reflected the dying light coming through the windows. "I don't know what to say to make it better. If that's Lara's little pocket dimension, there's no way we're getting in without her permission."

"I'm still angry," Max acknowledged, "but I'm tired of all the fighting. I came here to get away from a bad breakup, and I found you, so I can't regret moving to Evergreen."

"I guess..." Kyle was silent for a moment, making Max look up to see the thoughts processing in Kyle's mind. He no longer hid behind a mask of calm collectedness, and Max adored seeing this thinking face with Kyle's brow crinkled a little and his mouth pursed in a way that Max wanted to kiss. "I guess we've just got to move forward."

"Moving forward..." Max repeated, feeling the slide of his body against Kyle's. "We can do that."

The later days were busy. Team Panther took off, all of them wanting to go home and relax with their own families, whilst of Max's came to visit, piling him with their affection and getting to know Kyle.

To Max's surprise, Farrah - his youngest sister on his dad's side - got along with Kyle like a house on fire. Thea and Hannah, however, took the chance to interrogate Kyle as soon as they'd made sure that Max wasn't hurt. All throughout the interrogation, Blake's spouses added in their own questions - Derrick being the only mediator between Max's step-mothers and sisters. Kayla, in the other hand didn't seem to care either way, more focused on following Max around, like they were kids again. Being the closest to him in age, she was the only sibling who could bypass his preference for alone time.

He showed the twins to the lake, Micah jumping in immediately while Mercedes sunbathed on a high branch in jaguar form. Max did the same on the ground, Kayla cuddling up to him in lion form, their contented growls echoing through the forest.

Max supposed he should be more reticent to be here, to see the lake where he'd been betrayed by Lara and tricked into going to her dimension, but as he watched all his siblings enjoying themselves, and Kyle with Kasumi - Max's mom clearly doting on Kyle like he was her own child - he just couldn't be upset. It was too perfect.

Micah flicked water at Max and Kayla as he came to stand over them. "Your lion side is showing," he mocked, knowing that Max was enjoying all the company. "Or should I say wolf side?"

Kasumi was close enough to smack him upside the head. "Thiago is happy, quit being a dick." All this, of course, she said in Portuguese, as she was apt to when cussing out her children.

Max chuffed, amused at seeing his brother get told, until Kasumi speared him with a glare. Max might have been in jaguar form, but no mother was intimidated by their children, no matter how big their teeth. She opened her mouth to tell Max off, but they were all distracted when Kyle, in wolf form, bowled over both Max and Kayla, Farrah right on his heels, followed by Andy, Carter, and Finn.

"Kids," came a familiar sigh. Amelia gave Kasumi a hug of greeting. "It looked so peaceful over here, too."

Kasumi shrugged, smiling. "Kids."

Blake jogged up, Derrick, Jody and Kath keeping up behind him. "We brought lunch!"

Max sighed, lying flat, and chuffed happily as Kyle pressed up next to him. Too, too perfect.

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