Flat Tyres And Pretty Priya

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College opens tomorrow and now the corridors of the dorm are back to being busy and loud. Everyone is starting to return from wherever they had gone. I needed a break from the place.

I'm walking down the street, my eyes focused down at my screen. The weather is a bit unkind today and I'm wearing a jacket to avoid the cold.

Max and I are meeting up for lunch at the nearby restaurant.

When I arrive at the place, I don't spot his car so I infer that he hasn't arrived. I push the glass door and enter the small, noticeably warm, room.

Soft music fills the atmosphere, the words sung in a language I'm unfamiliar with. I make my way over to one of the table next to the large windows. I pick up the small menu and scan my eyes over the options.

I'll go with the shwarmas and some fries.

The door opens and my eyes shoot up. Max walks in and his eyes roam around the room. I lift my hand up and wave him over.

He smiles when he notices me and quickly makes his way over to me.

"Hey, babe." He greets, pulling the chair opposite me and sitting down.

"Hey." I reply.

"I'm starving. Did you already order?"

"No," I shake my head, "but I know what I'm getting."

"Okay, I'll have what you're having."

I nod and get up, walking over to the counter to place our order.

"So..." he begins when I sit back down, "how're things between you and Mason?"

"They're good." I smile and nod. "I spoke with him and everything's fine."

"Yeah," he nods, "I saw you guys last night."

He tries to smile but I notice a glint of sadness in his eyes. As if he's unsure. I remove my hands from my lap and take his own hands.

"What's wrong? You've been acting weird since last night."

He shakes his head and mutters a, "Nothing."

"Saying nothing is my thing. Tell me what's wrong?"

"It's just that... I feel like you have a different relationship with him."

I slightly frown.

"I've known you for longer but it feels like he knows you more, the two of you just seem to..."

"Are you jealous?" I ask with a teasing smile and he rolls his eyes. "You're my boyfriend. I'm with you."

"Yeah," he nods with a smile, "I'm not jealous. I'm not."

"Sure you're not." I giggle and he playfully hits my hand.

I snatch my hands away and scowl at him. The lady behind the counter shouts our order number and I hand the slip to Max.

"I ordered, you go get the food."

"Yeah, yeah." He replies as he gets up.

My phone vibrates successively and I open my bag to take it out. I smile when I notice who's calling.

"Lilly." I say.

"Hi, Nutty." She replies. "How're you?"

"I'm great. What's up?"

"I need your help."

"Sure. With what?"

"I went to see a friend but on my way back, I got a flat." She groans. "I was supposed to get to Brian's office and give him some documents before lunch. They're for a meeting he has later on."

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