Chapter 22-23

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22. The mighty sky army??

"I won't be having dinner for tonight butler Han, I'm going to rest" handing the paper to butler Han, standing up and heading to the door

"Are you sure lady iris?, Eating is very important, well don't blame me if you get hungry in the middle of the night as far as I remembered you haven't eaten anything in the Duke's banquet and you haven't eaten anything since you came back" I stopped on my track, turned my head with a small smile to butler Han

"You always know how to look out for me butler Han" ever since mom and Alex passed away everyone in the mansion tried to cheer me up in every possible way, I then realized how lucky I am to have this kind of family...

"Of course lady iris"


Waking up, I got off the bed and headed toward the bath room, after Arranging myself for this day's busy work, I headed toward my study room

Sitting on my chair and began reaching out to the piled up papers on each side of my desk the envelopes that Victor gave me the other day caught my attention, I almost forgot about this

Opening it and reading the content...

This can't be happening!!!! This can't be!!!

Commanding the sky army!!! Leading the entire army to the border to suppress a rebellion!!! Me??!!! Commanding over 3000 soldiers!!! WHAT!!!

Are you kidding me!! The sky army is the like the second largest army in the entire kingdom, the largest and powerfullest is the Golden army it has more than 5000 soldiers and it is lead by the one and only crown prince Victor magnolia, but seriously the mighty sky army!!??

Did the king injured his head or something???!! Appointing A 15 year old girl for this kind of task!!??

My mind was in a Mess while my body stiff, my eyes wide open, hands trembled from the shock, putting the letter back to the envelope, I slammed my study door open with a heavy and serious aura around me, the servants and maid shivered in shock

"Help me get ready, I'm going out, butler han prepare a carriage for me I'm going to the palace" They didn't say anything, they just nodded their heads and did as they are told to do

After the maid helped me dressed up I rushed to the carriage instructing the driver to speed up, he nodded his head, as soon as he saw that I sat on carriage seat, he whip the horses to start galloping fast

Arriving at the palace gates, The soldiers recognized me and they didn't hesitate to open the gate for me, the guards at the throne rooms door did the same

Endless chats of the king's and his official died down when they saw me entering the hall..

Hayst, the mighty Duchess Everhart finally made an appearance (sarcasm)

"What is this insolence child doing here?"

" She's a duchess, she's supposed to be here"

" Yes but, how can she barged in like that uninvited, she came in uninvited"

" I was the one who invited lady iris here today, do you have a complain for that Marquess Estas" the king shamelessly intruded into the officials whispers about me, Marquita estas instantly paled up and bowed his head repeatedly

"This official has mistaken, please don't take these lowly official's words to heart, forgive me" the king acted as if he didn't heard anything at all and just genuinely smiled at me, I walked pass them and bowed my head

"Greetings your majesty, I came here to ask, what exactly is this?" I half raised my right hand, with the envelope between my index and middle finger, The king just laughed and said

"It's exactly as it seems lady iris, I want you to lead the sky army" that caused an uproar to the hall, the officials again started to sprout their words, but they all shouted what!! Good thing I covered my ears before they shouted or else my ears will be ringing by now

"Your majesty! The sky army is the second powerfullest army in the entire kingdom!"

" You cannot allow a mere insolence lady to lead the army!"

"this ungrateful child is no fit for such a role!"

" How can you say that lady iris is not fit for it? I still remember that lady iris is the one who saved the kingdom during the plague breakout, she provided answer and solution to problems that none of you thought about or did" they quieted down, He smiled at me again


23. Dragon book

"But your majesty, no woman had ever lead the sky army, it's too risky!" Wow they really hate me, The king said a 'humph' and glared at the officials

"What do you mean no woman had ever lead the sky army? My great grandmother both lead the golden army and sky army to battlefield against the demons and she brought us great victory, have all of you forgotten that?" The officials lowered their heads in fear, Queen Deminica, she's my idol, the ever first woman to enter the battlefield and commanded the two most strongest and largest army in the whole kingdom! But unfortunately she died during that war, I read her story like a hundred times and it never failed to impress how mighty and great she is!

"So lady iris do you accept the task?" The officials behind me began to send a scary and hostile aura to my back sending me the message that says 'don't you dare!' but I just brushed it off,

"And what do I get from this?" I'm not a fan of being a puppet for anyone not even for the king,

"Just how ungrateful you are! The king is giving you the honor to lead the sky army and yet your treating this like a bargain!" Duke azalea shouted at me, I just rolled my eyes and continued my staring contest with the king, he laughed again

"You really are interesting lady iris, what do you have in mind?"

"One day with the dragon book" they all shouted what again, and this time I didn't get to cover my ears, I feel like my eardrums is gone--joke!

"Hmmm, ok I give you two yea---"

"One year, give me one year" the king was supposed to say two years but that takes too long! And I trust my skill!

" I can guarantee you that, I will win" the king nodded his head

"Well then I bid farewell to your majesty" I ignored the glares of the officials to me and continued to walk, but before I fully exited the hall, I left a few words

"I am iris natasha Everhart a student of my master--- smith-sensei, and I will not bring shame to my sensei's name"

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