Season 1 Chapter 14: Romier Than It Looks

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Tucker emerges from the teleporter, his armor covered in black stuff

Church: Are you okay, Tucker?

Tucker: Yeah, I'm fine. (turns to the base) Come on Caboose!

Caboose: (back in the base) Does it hurt?!

Tucker: No, not at all!

Caboose: Okay! Here I come!

Church: Does it hurt for real?

Tucker: Oho, yeah. Big time.

Caboose: (emerging from the teleporter) Owwchie. (turns to Tucker) You lied to me.

Cut to the red base

Sarge: Ah, dammit. Lopez. C'm'ere. Do you see something out there?

Lopez looks through the sniper rifle, turns to Sarge, lowers his head. Camera pans down to Grif and Simmons inside the base, with Tex

Simmons: There's no L in it, it's pronounced both.

Grif: That's what I'm saying. Bolth.

Simmons: Both.

Grif: You sound like such an ass the way you say it.

Sarge: Grif! Quit your yammering and get your kicker up here. Need some help. Got more of them Special Ops fellas headed toward the base.

Grif: As in... more than one? Uh, maybe all of us should go, sir.

Simmons: All of us.

Grif: Seriously man, like an ass.

Sarge: Well, well. Another brilliant idea from the thinktank. Why don't you both come up. Leave the prisoner alone. We could just put her on the honor system, have her guard herself.

Grif: Good point sir.

Sarge: YOU'RE GOD DAMN RIGHT IT IS! Now get your and Simmons asses up here, we got just enough time for me to spray-paint the bullseye on your back... Ah, by bullseye I of course mean camouflage. Now move it, cupcakes.

Grif: Yeah... we'll be right up.

Both Grif and Simmons run to go meet up with Sarge while Ghost and Tex were looking at each other still

Ghost: It's been a while hasn't it Tex?

Tex: Yes it has... Kentucky...

Cut to Church looking through a sniper rifle... we'll never know how he holds it, being a ghost and all

Church: Hey Tucker, come in man, are you there? This is Church, it's working. The orange and maroon ones are coming out of the base. I repeat, the orange and maroon ones are coming out of the base.

Cut to Caboose and Tucker in armor covered in black stuff, hiding behind a rock, listening over the radio

Tucker: Roger that.

Caboose: Oh, oh oh oh, Tucker, Tucker Tucker. Is that, is that Church?

Church: Okay, now just keep moving around outside of the base, and draw their attention.

Caboose: (Over top of Church, drowning him out) Tell him, that I... I said... for me to say hi?

Tucker: Whoa wait wait, hey. What? I missed that, Caboose was talking to me. Shut up man, I'm on the radio.

Cut back to Church

Church: I said, just keep movin-

Tucker: I'm not yelling, I'm just telling you to let me finish talking to Church. ...No, I'll tell him you said 'hi' later. No you can't talk to him. How could you possibly talk to him on my headset?

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