Chapter 5: make me feel good

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* masturbation*


About another two weeks passed, and I hadn't seen Tom at all since the night we went clubbing. Even Harrison's visiting to the bakery became more seldom, and Tom was never with him when he did walk in. Something was off, I could tell. I just had no clue what it was. April could tell something was wrong, but she was just as clueless as I was as to what it was. She'd come home from her dates with Harrison alone, which had been a rare occurrence at the beginning of their relationship. After only a month since she met him, I knew she was smitten, so the sudden shift in his mood threw her off and worried her. It worried me too. I may've despised Tom, but I really liked Harrison, and I liked that he made April so happy. It had been a while since a guy had done that for her. Plus, he was nice and put up with my asshole-ish attitude.

Just when April started to get really concerned over the fate of their relationship, Harrison asked her out to dinner on a Saturday night. I could see the relief flood across her face the minute he called her. "He sounded just like his usual self," she said with a smile. "Must've just had an off few weeks."

"Must be," I mumbled, flicking through channels on the TV.

April sighed, "Would it kill you to be happy for me?"

"I am!" I said, snapping my head to look at her. "Swear, I am."


I pressed my lips into a tight line and let a heavy breath out my nose. "But two weeks is a long time to be off," I said. "And I just hope he hasn't been keeping something from you."

"Always the skeptic," she said, her smile unfaltering. She pressed a kiss to my cheek and jumped up from the couch. "I'm gonna go get ready." I waved her off as she went to change into her clothes for her date. Finally I settled on the show teen wolf. I stared at the screen, only half paying attention to what was happening.

When April came back into the room, she was dressed in a cute, simple, white romper and had her hair up in a curly ponytail. "You look cute," I told her. "I hope I won't see you here tonight."

"I hope not too," she said. "I feel like it's been too long since I got laid."

"When was the last time you guys had sex?" I asked her. She paused and thought.

"The night we went clubbing," she said.

"Two weeks?" I clarified. She shrugged. "That's a long time."

"Not really," she said.

"For two fairly sexual beings who are pretty much in a relationship?" I said. "That's a pretty long time."

"I guess," she said. Again, she shrugged. "We'll just break the streak tonight."

"I'm sure you will," I laughed. "Who could turn down a (Y/L/N) who looks as good as you?"

"No one, obviously," she teased back.


After the night at the club, Tom was having some serious issues with Harrison's relationship with April and (Y/N). Supportive friend could only come above boss for so long. He knew it was time to step in and say something, even if it wasn't what Harrison wanted to hear.

When April left the house the next morning, Tom met Harrison in the kitchen. He was drinking a cup of coffee and scrolling through something on his phone. Tom got a bowl down from the cupboard and poured himself some cereal and milk before joining his friend at the table. "We need to discuss this," Tom said. Harrison moved his phone from his face and looked at Tom with furrowed brows.

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