Chapter 1 Jackson

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I parked the car a little away from the more crowded sections. I had no desire to be here to begin with so the quicker the escape route the better off I would be. With quick movements I exited the vehicle, stuffed my hands in my pockets and walked rapidly towards the main street.

It was like stepping into a whole new world. The lights and noise were overwhelmingly encouraging to join in on the fun. If you liked that kind of thing, of course.

I didn't.

This wasn't my scene. It had never been and I couldn't see how it ever would be. According to the few good friends I had, I was born old. 

I liked quiet. I liked my work. And I liked to be bothered by as few people as possible. Unfortunately, there were times like tonight, that I couldn't do what I liked.

I saw the bar instantly. I couldn't miss it if I wanted to and I wanted to very badly.

It wasn't subtle.

It was a kaleidoscope of rainbow fluorescent lights. A child could easily mistake it for the second happiest place on earth. The smiles on the faces of the many men and the occasional stray woman entering and exiting the very welcoming purple door would surely attest to that.

I silently groaned and mentally rolled my eyes as I stopped for a second outside on the sidewalk.

My best friend was getting married. This was his bachelor party.

"So, suck it up!" I growled to myself.

A few snickers to the side of me, startled me and I stepped back. For the first time I noticed the small group. I blushed and rolled my eyes again.

"Jackson!" a voice giggled beside my ear.

I turned to the glowing face of my best friend's fiancé. My brows arched at the heavily made up man with his newly colored purple hair.

I grinned.

"New look for tonight, I see. It suits you," I approved with my typical small but genuine smile.

Percy giggled again apparently thrilled about the coming night and my compliment. Percy locked arms with me and started walking forward.

"Come on big boy," he coaxed, pulling me along with him.

I mentally rolled my eyes again at the 'big boy' jab. My friends loved to tease me about my diminutive stature, especially knowing how much I hated it. I had known Percy for a few years now and he had taken up the habit as well.

"Where's Archer?" I asked in an almost shout as the music inside was pulsing at us in waves.

Percy gave a head nod towards the area they were walking towards. "I had to run out to the car for my phone. He's waiting!" he answered, leaning down and speaking directly into my ear.

I tried hard not to stiffen and cringe. I hated my personal space being invaded.

"Everybody else is here, too. You're late!" he said accusingly and began walking faster, unlocking arms and grabbing me by the hand to pull me along behind him.

I would never admit that I had planned it that way. The look Archer, my best friend, gave me though, said he knew it already.

I evaded his knowing look and focused on saying hello to the group of four gathered in the VIP area. Drinks were in various stages of being drunk and a few of them as well by the looks of Mick and Noah.

Thankfully it was a tad bit quieter where we were and only loud talking instead of shouting was needed. I stepped over to Archer and we embraced each other in welcome.

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