Twenty-Five - Happily Ever After

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"What the hell are you doing with my baby sister man? Get away from her!" Isaac growls as he storms into the kitchen and forcefully pulls Zander away from me by the scuff of his collar.

"Isaac no!" I exclaim feeling a rise of panic in my system, worried he is going to beat Zander's face in.

Crap! How could we be so careless?

"Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I'm in love with Nell and I want to be with her." Zander exclaims calmly as he is pushed against the fridge harshly.

"What's going on?" I hear Waverly ask fretfully behind me, making me turn and give her worried eyes as she, Owen, Adam and Nina crowd the doorway.

"No! How dare you touch my sister!" Isaac yells before punching Zander in the gut, causing him to groan and crumple in on himself.

Owen and Adam rush into action to pull him back and prevent him from causing any more damage to Zander's body.

"Zander... are you ok?" I gasp, hating how wrong everything has turned.

I rush to his side as he stands up with a wince, and I try to be strong and not cry. We knew this would be an outcome of being together, I just didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"I'm fine Nell." Zander mutters looking anguished.

"Seriously, my best friend Nell? How could you both? And you know Nell has always been off limits Zander!" Isaac seethes as he struggles against his brother and friend fruitlessly.

"You need to calm down Isaac." Owen snaps as Waverly rounds my raging bull of a brother to hug me.

Zander squeezes my hand to show a united front.

"I'm sorry Isaac, I didn't mean for this to happen, but I love her and I'm done fighting the feeling." Zander determines, looking him squarely in the eye.

"And I love him too!" I add fiercely.

Isaac glares at the both of us before shrugging the boys off and storming from the room, pushing past everyone else who is curiously watching in the doorway. How embarrassing... I can tell that underneath it all Isaac is just hurt and shocked. I don't suppose he expected to walk in on his best friend and sister making out in his kitchen out of the blue. It certainly wasn't the best time to kiss, although I can't say I regret it, as it was the hottest make out session of my life. I had one little experience at prom, but that was child's play compared to the soul-stirring kiss I just shared with Zander.

With a sigh, Zander leans down and kisses my forehead. 

"You should go home now Nell, sorry that everyone has found out this way." He sighs as he tucks some of my hair behind my ear. "I'll try and talk to Isaac tonight."

"I don't think he's in a listening mood." Owen announces in a curt voice, looking very pissed off. 

Everyone else is in the hallway whispering about what happened, which isn't exactly helping the situation. I feel like shouting 'show's over people!'

"It's ok Zander, we both got... distracted." I murmur with bright red cheeks. "I will speak to you tomorrow." I suggest as I take a little step back from him, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Ok Nell, stay safe." He smiles grimly with his emerald eyes looking dull, and I hate that our love has caused a rift between him and his best friend, and my brother and I.

I brush past Owen who is content standing there glowering at Zander, probably making sure he doesn't touch me again. Waverly follows me out of the room, and I am quite embarrassed when everyone starts looking at me and parts like the red sea, and Nina asks what happened. I note that Roxie isn't here; she is probably with Isaac trying to calm him down. I leave with my eyes trained on the floor, not wanting to attract any more unwanted attention. It is safe to say that the atmosphere is particularly awkward right now. Nina and River leave with us, but luckily their apartments are in the opposite direction to mine, so I am not quizzed for too long by Nina. It's safe to say she loves drama.

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