Chapter 39

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Word count: 3696


"Thomas, I love you," she whispered as she came up for air, glancing down at him while he finished his current activity.

Thomas chuckled, arising from his knees, wiping his mouth and kissing her gradually on the lips. She moaned into the kiss, smiling at the sweet gesture. "I love you, Princess, even though I don't know how to love. I don't know anything about it. I have never been taught the definition of it, but you—"

Deidre's stomach fluttered as he framed her face in his hands.

"You taught me all I needed to know. You know, I used to see all these couples walking around, being surrounded in such bliss that it was unbelievable and I never thought I would find something like this." He laughed. "Boy, was I wrong. You are the example of love, Princess. And fućk, I love you. I am a desperate man who only wants your love."

"Well, I suppose it's a good thing then that you have it. You have my love. You have had it for a long while." Her focus shifted to the floor, eyebrows cockled and Thomas wondered whether he had done something wrong. "My parents want you over for dinner. I mean they don't, but my Dad suggested it anyway."

No Daddy this time, he thought. Guess I own the title now.

"And what is the harm in that?" he inquired, tilting her chin to meet his. "You don't sound happy about it."

"Because they are not happy that we are together. My parents hate that we are together and are definitely not acceptive of it. I can bet they have a hidden agenda behind it, a plan to destroy us and I am not okay with it. I'm scared of what they have planned."

Thomas sighed at the stubborn girl in front of him. Deidre was smart, but could be so stubborn when it came to him. "Princess, listen to me. I have told you a million times and I will tell it again that there is nothing you have to worry about. They could never destroy us. Our relationship is too strong for that shit. Deidre, I love you and you love me; that is all there is to it. Nothing else."

"I know. I'm just so damn scared. What if they brought Bruce into their plan also? What if he is in on it? What if they got this idea from him and are waiting for us to fall into their trap? I cannot risk anything happening. And if your father is—"

"Don't," he barked out of instinct. "Don't call him that. That man is not my fućking father."

Deidre respired, head falling on his chest. "He's not. You are a much better man than he could ever be. You are the definition of a good man, don't ever doubt it, while Bruce is the definition of a bad man. He could never be your father. You are too good for him."

Thomas' lips skimmed the top of her head, heart hammering at the compliments thrown his way. "You're an angel, Princess. And the both of us are going to this dinner with your parents. It's time we showed them that they shouldn't mess with us."

"I like the sound of that." She battled with the incite of rolling her eyes as she glimpsed down. "You're hard again."

"Yeah, it's not going away. It's all because of you, baby," he murmured, watching Deidre looked around nervously. "What?"

Deidre fidgeted with her thumbs, nerves bubbling inside. "How much time do we have until our next class?"

"Fifteen minutes. Why? You want to skip another?"

"I've never skipped class before this. I was actually just thinking that-that I could—" Her nervousness had his heart skipping a beat.

A smirk passed his face at the proposition, leaning against a desk, hands moving to his belt. "Want to watch me again?"

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