06 | One Heck of a Roller-coaster

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Well, it was officially the day of our double date. My first double date.

I had reluctantly dropped the bomb on Mom yesterday during dinner, that I had another meet-up with the same guy, only this time I'll also be in the company of another girl. Yes, I know, I lied once again. But it wasn't like I could tell her that I was pretending to be a romantic girlfriend for a guy I barely even knew, just so he could impress his crush.

I was becoming more annoyed with myself by the second. Why the hell did I even agree to this deal? I mean, obviously, I was getting way less out of this than he was. Not to mention, he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying his time as my boyfriend. Just this morning, he had texted me, 'Hey, muffin! Rise and shine!' to which I had texted back 'First thing I read in the morning, thanks for ruining the entire day.'

Anyways Mom agreed to let me go when she heard that I would be in the presence of another girl. I don't know why, but she always seemed to think if you leave your daughter with another girl, your daughter will be much safer than she would be if she was with a guy.

What she didn't know was that these days, girls are more afraid of girls themselves.

I look at myself in the mirror and smile, satisfied. I had worn my favourite black leggings with my oversized yellow plaid T-shirt, which stopped only slightly above my knees, successfully covering my butt and half of my thighs. Having fun goes hand-in-hand with dressing comfortably, of course.

I applied some lip balm and winked at myself in the mirror.

"You nice," I commented to my reflection, feeling confident for once.

I met Hayden outside the gates that opened up to the carnival. He was once again dressed up in his usual; black jeans and hoodie, this time a deep purple colour. I was starting to think this boy only had a collection of coloured hoodies in his wardrobe.

The moment he saw me, his first words for me were, "Oh wow, why are you wearing Hulk's clothes?" Didn't really feel much like boyfriend material over here.

"Can you at least try to do a good act as my boyfriend so that I can follow your lead?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Of course. If you say so, baby," he replied, his eyes glinting with mischief.

I groaned at the last word and gave up on saying anything, making a mental note to think twice before asking him anything again.

A few fluffy clouds which closely resembled candy-floss dotted the bright sky, and the heat from the blazing sun was scorchingly hot, burning my skin. I could hear faint music from beyond the tall, metal gates with the occasional happy scream abruptly piercing the air. A rollercoaster, a big wheel, a helter-skelter, and many more rides of different shapes could be seen contrasted against the pale blue sky. Below them, younger children stood watching, munching on their sweets and snacks. Some were wailing to their parents to buy them more sweets until they gave in.

Awestruck at the cheerful sight, we walked in through the gates to find Chloe and Chris by the vendor selling sausage skewers.

The guy, Chris--looked older than Hayden--with high cheekbones and looked almost eerily similar to that guy, Edward, in Twilight. No wonder Hayden disliked him. Chris was about five inches taller than Hayden and looked like he could defeat him in any duel, anytime. Heck, he looked like he could step on Hayden if he wanted to. Yes, he was that tall and bulky.

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