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( outfit above )
{ Tori's POV }

My father Valente takes me to this study that happens to have a bar in the back of it.. how convenient.

"What would you like to drink?" He asks

"Do you have any red wine?" I ask

"Yes of course." He says and he gets me a glass of red wine and he pours himself something else.

"This actually Angelina's red wine. She makes it at a winery we own that is about thirty minutes from here." He informs me

I take a small sip and I'm actually really impressed.

"It's one of the best that I've had." I tell him
He sends me a slight smile and a nod.
I wouldn't have expect anything more.

"Downstairs at the grand entrance hall is most of our mafia. Well the ones that are in Italy, anyway. They are here to welcome you. You'll be blessed by me, Riccardo, and Francesco being we are the council here. Then you'll be sworen in. Then you will go into the basement with Luca, Marco, Lorenzo, and Diego. Being you will be serving the mafia with them. Then they will give you your omertà tattoo and you'll officially be a member of not only my personal family but also the mafia family."
Valente explains

I nod in acknowledgement.

"Victoria, I want you to know that I'm glad you decided to come here. I know I didn't have a hand in raising you, and I regret not looking for your mother harder.. but I want us to have a good relationship. Or at least try. I know you're grown now, and that you probably don't need a father, and I can't even promise that I'd be a good one.. but I can promise I'll always protect you and put your life before mine."
Valente says to me

I almost cry. But I hold it back.

"You aren't perfect but the great thing about it is ; neither am I. I'm not going to be the type of daughter who does everything how you want. Yes I'm already an adult, and I have a mind of my own, but I think there will still be times where I'll need a father." I tell him trying to reassure him a little

"Are you nervous?" He asks

"No." I simply answer

Valente slight raises his eyebrow in question.

"I don't really get nervous." I reply with a shrug

He nods

"Well we're already late. I think we better go, none of the mafia men are very patient." My father tells me as he finishes his drink and stands up

He takes and places my hand on his elbow, as we walk out of the study, and down the long fancy stair case of steps. I see over a hundred of men in black suits, and nearly all of them look as if they just stepped off of a runway or out of a gym. I see Luca, Marco, Lorenzo, and Diego all looking at me as if a ghost just walk into the room. Francesco and Riccardo seem shocked.

I guess I do look really different.

We reach the last ten steps and my father pulls me to a stop and says "Famiglia, meet my long lost daughter, Tori Ferrari. I expect all of you to treat her with the same respect you show me."

The Mafia's Secret Daughter ( #1 in the Mafia Series )Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα