Chapter 3

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Emma moved around the hall, stepping over the passed out bodies. Any one of these would have done, she thought as she slipped into the shadows, why did he need to pick one that was still kicking? Her eyes darted around the land, ensuring that no one was watching her. The grass was thick with water, squelching under her shoes. Soft strains of a giggle filled the cold night air, she knew that Frank and the blonde weren't that far away. Emma sighed, knowing that it was time to do her job though she didn't know why. It's not as if the bitch was ever far away. Always lurking in their souls, entrenched for a lifetime of hate.

Her gaze lingered over the nearby woodland, the darkness of it no longer scared her. A low lying fog limped it's way around the narrow spindly trees, filling the darkness with a spine tingling mist. As she drew closer to the giggles and murmurs, Emma could see the darkened figure approach through the woods. Always waiting, always watching, but never did she approach.

Frank pulled back the soft tendril of hair, tucking it behind her ear. She was far too eager to get her clothes off, Frank wanted her dressed when it came time for her death. He could feel the presence of his sister close by, the charge of electricity was pumping through the air. Perspiration trickled down his back as he watched those eyes flutter at him, the deep pink lips begging to be kissed. He had to be correct in his timing, he had to wait for the bitch to get closer. His heart was racing as the blonde nuzzled at his neck, teasing him through his jeans. Frank caught sight of Emma, who was waiting in the shadows, just in his range. The air around them swirled as she raised her hands, distorting the view of what was going on. His watch shrilled with the beeping of the hour; it was six pm. Now he could give the blonde as she asked, now he could kiss her. She mewled within his deep embrace, feeling limp in his arms, she kissed him back. His need for her kiss was ardent and forceful, everything she could hope for their first kiss. The woman could feel her body turn to jelly, weakening as the kiss progressed. A shiver flicked up her spine, like a thousand spiders crawling over her sensitive skin.

A slow, derogatory clap echoed through the frosty night air as the woman drew closer to him, her laugh was cold and cruel as always. She looked at Frank with the dead woman in his arms, pain filled his eyes as it always did. After eight years of doing this, she thought he would be used to it.

"Well done, Frankie." She purred. "But still dressed? Come now, dear Frankie, you know how I like them."

"Give her some dignity."

She raised an eyebrow at hissed words as she always did. Her thoughts about Frank's rising anger soon turned to the girl, wondering what she did to deserve it. The poor thing, she hummed to herself, maybe she might earn a shred of decency in the afterlife.

Then she inwardly cackled, remembering that rest would not come to her. If she had her way, they would trade places, and this poor soul would be the one to roam the land for eternity.

"Here." He dumped the body into her arms. "I've done my side of the deal, I don't want to see you until midnight next year."

Jacqueline pouted at Frank.

"Aww, Frankie. Don't be so cruel, I know you love me. How could you resist me?"

She laughed hard as she lifted the dead weight over one shoulder.

"Now why don't you run along and save the poor damsel in your car before the cops turn up. Heaven forbid I have to save your sorry arse... again."

Frank stormed off, muttering that he would find a long blade for next year.

"As if you would." Jacqueline hummed seductively under her breath.

Emma watched as Jacqueline brought the body to the ground, laying the objects that she believed appeased those that watched her. All she wanted was to rest in the afterlife, no longer roaming the land.

For the rest of the night, the woman would look like so many others that were drunk and passed out. But once they all woke up and began to clear out, people would notice that there was one that did not. One that would not wake.

With Frank leaning on the nearby building, Emma held the veil over Jacqueline, hiding her from the world that might watch on. She hoped that this would be the year, that this time, one of them would relent and give Jacqueline what she wanted.

Emma prayed to God, begging him to be merciful. Not just for Jacqueline but for herself and Frank. They were tired, weary of their lives.

When the soul was completely free of the body, she looked around, appearing to be lost and confused. The ghostly figure dissipated into the wind that curled around the building. As Emma watched the figure floating around aimlessly, she caught sight of the silent figure that watched on from her lonesome spot in the woods. Great shame swept through Emma, the figure looked upon her with contempt.

Frank's watch beeped again, fifteen minutes had passed. Nothing happened, and with a heavy heart, Emma lowered the shield over them and let out a heavy sigh. She looked at Jacqueline, who seemed more disappointed than sad.

"See you next year, Jack."

Jacqueline looked up at the despondent Emma.

"Oh, you most certainly will, my dear. One day I will get what I want. One day."

The Kiss Of DeathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz