Chapter 42: Defiance

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The couple sprang apart. The woman shrieked. The man grabbed a long, stainless steel knife from the granite countertop and turned on me with his jaw clenched, the deadly weapon poised to strike.

The second he laid eyes on my cat form, however, his eyes went wide and the colour drained from his face. The knife clattered to the spotless tile floor.

The guy was tall and attractive. He towered at least a foot over the woman he had been yelling at. He wore a neatly pressed business suit, polished shoes and an expensive-looking watch.

His high-powered appearance—the image of perfection he displayed to the world—only riled my anger. My snarl grew louder.

Although I had no memory of planning or wanting to shift, I had in no way lost my grip on the wildcat. Instead, it seemed like the animal inside of me had understood and anticipated exactly what I wanted. Not only was I still in control, I felt clear and lucid and calm in a way I had never experienced before.

The woman was yelling and screaming hysterically. "What is it? What is it? What is that thing?"

At the same time, Deanna's disembodied voice invaded my thoughts. Eve, get back here right now!

Just go in and get her! Shane said.

I can't! We go in human form, they'll be able to recognize our faces. We go in animal form and we'll just make the situation worse. Eve, I'm telling you to get out of that house! I mean it!

I flicked my ears, dismissing all the distractions like an irksome fly buzzing around my head. My attention was completely focused on the scumbag in front of me.

He was moving very slowly towards the back door, his upper body stiff and motionless. I followed his every step, moving at the exact same speed, never taking my eyes away from his.

The woman had gone silent. A ringing silence filled the entire house. The man was now pressed flat against the door that led out of the kitchen. Without turning, he reached back and fumbled for the doorknob, his hand shaking uncontrollably.

I dropped into a crouch, watching the sweat that was dripping off his face, the whites showing all the way around his eyes and experienced a flood of savage satisfaction. I would show this piece of trash exactly how it felt to be terrorized by something bigger and stronger than him.

He finally managed to get the door open. He stumbled down the back steps and into the yard, his gaze still fixed on mine. I could see the wheels turning in his head, wondering what to do. His eyes flickered to the big, wooden fence that enclosed the backyard, as if calculating the distance, wondering if he could make it.

I curled my lips back, revealing wickedly sharp teeth. Go ahead and try it, I thought. Go on, I dare you.

His eyes flickered back and forth a few more times. His stance was wide, knees bent, shoulders tense. His chest rose and fell in rapid, shallow breaths.

Then, finally, he rotated on the balls of his feet and ran. He sprinted towards the fence so fast, so frantically, that he tripped over his own feet and landed hard on his chest. He scrambled to get back up, polished shoes slipping and sliding on the damp grass.

I waited calmly until he was about halfway across the yard before making my move.

In a single leap, I cleared the doorway and the wooden stairs that were attached. Another stride and I was right on the man's heels, my claws coming within millimeters of his feet. He kept throwing terrified glances over his shoulder. His suit flapped almost comically in the wind.

Silent Heroes: WildcatOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora