Kiss of Darkness 8

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Chapter 8

Sorry this one's so short=/ I'm hitting a writer's block (ughhh) any ideas? Lol as usual, comment etc. Thanks for reading!

The hum of electricity filled the air as Sunflower and I crowded up on her loft, watching a small TV.We spread out her blankets and pillows on the floor and laid down so we would have as much space as possible. She climbed down the ladder quickly to grab a bag of chips and soon plopped down next to me.

 After watching  Mulan, there was nothing on except the news, so she dozed off. I sat up, waiting for Rose and honestly; I was too terrified to sleep. Everything today had been crazy and wrong and should never have happened.

I focused my attention on the news.

“In other news, the fire in Warehouse 16 by the dock has just been put out. A body was found, burned past the point of recognition it seems,” the lady on the news said solemnly. The camera went to face the man sitting next to her.

“Yes, quite tragic. Police are currently on the case. Their only lead so far has been a photograph of a suspicious looking man several hours earlier.”

The view switched to a picture of a guy dressed in all black, the shirt too big for him and the hat shadowing his face.

The man held something in his arms, princess style. It was a black trash bag. It took me a second before realizing what was in there if this was the arsonist. My stomach turned in disgust. My thoughts wandered to my family, my friends, school. For a second, I worried for my homework assignments and essays I’d forgotten to do.

Then I laughed at myself for worrying about such petty things when there were such bigger fish to fry. What would my mission be tomorrow? What would I do if it was another hit mission? My head felt like bursting.

When I was at school, it seemed too surreal, the whole kidnapping thing. I mean sure, we’ve been warned our whole lives but we all think ‘what’re the chance it’s gonna be me?’ or ‘Pshh that’d never happen to me’.

I refocused on the TV screen to keep the thoughts out and save myself from the headache.

“Actually Rick, Incoming news, after recovering the body, the investigators have found another clue!” the anchorwoman said with false enthusiasm. What a peach.

 “The body was found clutching a golden pendant shaped in the letter ‘K’,” the woman said brightly. A picture flashed on screen of the slightly melted necklace.

It looked familiar, then my eyes widened as I recognized the pendant as mine. My hand flew to my neck, nothing.

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