Fifty - Charlie

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Ch50 - Charlie

A look of shock crossed Steven's face as the bullet passed though his brain.

Charlie held the smoking gun in his hands and stared in dazed disbelief at the gruesome sight before him. He found it difficult to tear his gaze away from the man who had tormented Sarah for so long. The man who now lay dead in his home.

A strained gasp drifted out from underneath Steven's body and Charlie moved his eyes toward the noise. The man's corpse lay like a blanket on top of Sarah, pinning her beneath him. He rushed to her side, shoving the body away and helping her to her feet. She fell exhausted against his chest, and allowed him to wrap his arms protectively around her.

He was in love with her. This emotionally fragile, yet remarkably strong woman had broken through his stubborn exterior and helped him move on. Now, he would help her do the same. Closing his eyes, Charlie vowed to never again leave Sarah's side. No matter what. It didn't matter that she had lied about her past, it was painfully evident why she'd chosen to do so. And the consequences that needed to be faced in regard to all that had taken place-the fire, faking her own death, Steven's fate-they would face them together. There were laws devised to protect abused women, and Charlie was certain Sarah would have plenty of people on her side, fighting for her rights.

Sarah took the arm of her sweater and wiped it across her face, attempting to remove the remnants of the bloody struggle. Taking a shaky breath, she turned her head toward her husband's lifeless body. An expression Charlie had never seen before registered across her face, and her features, for the first time in months, finally relaxed.

It reminded him of...freedom.

Slowly, Sarah broke away from his arms and moved toward Steven. She crouched down and stared at the hole, piercing through his forehead. The hole Charlie had put there. Steven's expression stared back; bloody, empty, dead.

"Until death do us part," she whispered back to him.

Charlie stood for several moments in silence, allowing Sarah her final farewell. He didn't want to leave her, not with the dead body of the man who had taken sick pleasure in torturing her for so long. Steven wouldn't be punishing her anymore. Sarah was finally free.

She rose from where Steven lay and walked toward Charlie, initiating an embrace.

"I love you," she whispered against his chest, catching him off guard. They were some of the sweetest words he had ever heard.

Looking around his home, at the result of the struggle that had taken place, Charlie felt a sense of calmness wash over him.  He sighed deeply and brought Sarah tighter to him, realizing that no matter how firmly he held onto her it would never bring her close enough.

"I love you, too...Sarah," he answered back, as the melodic sound of a distant siren crept closer and closer.

THE END (or is it...? Keep reading to find out!)

* * * * *

This is so bittersweet! *cries happy/sad tears*

First of all, thank you so much for sticking with me until the very end, and especially as Winston's life hung in the balance--readers were pretty passionate about that!

Some of you have been reading this story for MONTHS and your commitment blows me away! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. It was YOU who helped The Secret reach #1 in both Mystery/Thriller and Action--THANK YOU! This chapter is dedicated to all of you. You've made this journey unforgettable!

I hope you join me for the sequel called Secrets and Lies, now available on my profile page. Keep reading for a teeny tiny sneak peek!

With Love and Respect Always,

Darly <3

Author's Note: My debut novel, Strawberry Wine, is now up for preorder! It hits book stores January 31st, 2017, but you can purchase it here:

Preorder sales are immensely important for writers. It helps their book rank which effects it's overall success. I would be so grateful if you would consider supporting me and my first published story! THANK YOU <3

The Secret (Watty Award Winner) | ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt