*1*. PROLOGUE 1.

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My dad was dead and my mom…, let's just say she was in jail.

I had no one to call family, and I had learned to live with it.

I was practically a shadow of my former self. I learnt that the world was just a big fat lie at the age of 13, and I learnt it the hard way.

My happy and loving home was destroyed, my life was slowly going into jeopardy, my loving dad was dead, my mom was in jail, I lost my home, I lost my happiness, I lost my friends, I lost everything and everyone, all in a blink of an eye.

Kicking a pebble laying by the roadside, I hugged my jacket tighter as the cold morning breeze blew.

A car whooshed past me, splashing a puddle of water on my body, I felt nothing, I felt numb, it was like I was a dead woman standing. For one, I didn't look like a living being, my long waist length ebony hair looked like a nest, I was beyond pale, and people, sometimes teased me by saying I looked like a dead body, I was very skinny, not due to nature, but due to hunger and starvation.

To me there was nothing left for me in the world, I had endured long, hard years of torture, pain and embarrassment from different people, what use was I ?, wouldn't it be better if I just died, then I remembered what happened to me that brought all this thoughts to my head.

I knew I was the only one who could end my torture and pain, and I decided that before I did that, I should at least see someone I once shared a happy memory with.

my mom.


   Walking past the different cells, a police officer behind me taking me to where my mom was kept.

  The cell door was opened, and I saw my mom in chains, hanging from the wall.

Sniffing around and Raising up her head, she snarled at me and I instinctively moved back, raising up her head once more, she looked at me and almost immediately started thrashing around trying to break free. She snapped, snarled and growled at me, not even saying a word.

"Mom...!!," I croaked out looking sadly at her...

"She has not spoken in years child", the officer said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"You are not my child you monster, my mate..., my baby is dead because of you...!," she choked out sobbing.

I looked at her bewildered,

"But...", I started,
"Just go home child, your mother is not more in her right senses, I know you are hurting, but not to worry, you'll soon feel better". The officer said again, placing his hand on the small of my back and leading me outside.

Looking back at my mom, I raised my hands and waved a "bye", to her.

Even my mother hates me, I'm such a waste of space. I thought to my self.


Walking back home, I thought of ways I could use to end my pain.

Deep in my thoughts, I wasn't watching where I was going and the next thing I heard was an ear piercing scream and the screeching of tires, everything slowed down around me and i could practically hear my own heartbeat. It was after my head hit the road with a force that I realised that the ear piercing scream, came from me.

At least, this wouldn't be classified as suicide rather its manslaughter.

I'm not to blame.


First chapter is out.

I know it isn't much but it'll get better, not to worry.

I hope I'm living up to your expectations.

Love y'all





A total of 600+ words.

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