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The next morning, I woke to Jake's soft lips pressed to my forehead. That is the most genuine kind of kiss, while it is not super sexy, it conveyed the tenderest of emotions.

Once my eyes opened, I realized I was sleeping on his chest and I didn't want to move. He felt like the warmest, safest place in the world. He felt like home. I snuggled in a little tighter while he told me about our day.

We were meeting Ross for brunch before heading back to Georgia. He let me know he was calling the shower first and stood up to head to the bathroom. I protested, refusing to let him leave me, but he was victorious, peeling me off of him as I held on for dear life. Once he left, the bed immediately felt empty without him.

I filled the vacancy with a quick phone call to Jenny. She was so excited to talk to me, I should have called her sooner. Then again, how was I supposed to pull myself away from the most amazing man in the world?

Jenny wasted no time filling me in. Tag had asked her out on a date. She didn't feel right about accepting his invitation until she broke things off with Tripp. It surprised me to learn that he took it well, much better than Jonathon did. According to her, he was a perfect gentleman about it and even wished her the best of luck.

With her newfound freedom, she went out with Tag on Saturday night. The attraction between them was immediate and undeniable. He took her to an amazing Japanese restaurant and followed it up with a scary movie. The perfect setting to get a little cozy, according to Jenny.

I was so happy for her. She sounded like she was floating on cloud nine. If I am being honest, I also envied her a bit. She didn't have to hide her date with Tag. They put it out there for all the world to see. I let her know I would be home soon and she could fill me in on all the sorted details.

As soon as I hung up with Jenny, Jake emerged from the shower, wearing nothing but jeans. He had wet hair, ripped abs, and his tan skin was glowing. How could anyone be that attractive? After he tortured me just by being himself, and I showered, we were on our way to meet Ross.

When walked into the restaurant, I could tell that Jake was much calmer than the last time. He was holding my hand, but in a loose, comfortable way. Ross was waiting on us, like last time. He was still flashing that adorable crooked smile, but this time it was warmer. I could tell that his nerves had subsided.

Once the conversation started flowing, it flowed freely. We found out that Jake had two brothers, Stephan and Jordan, and they were a few years younger than him. It was endearing to learn that Ross carried so much guilt and concern for Jake. He never even tried to hide him from his current family. He had talked about him all along.

Ross's entire family knew who Jake was and was even excited he finally meet him. He was also a partner in a large law firm and had been a wise investor for most of his life. Those investments had provided him and his family with a very comfortable lifestyle.

Each of his children had trust funds, and he didn't leave Jake out. He always hoped he would reunite with him one day and wanted him to have his share. I couldn't help but notice how a smile continually found its ways to Jake's lips.

Learning that his biological father wanted him, had lifted a weight off of him. It was as if he had been dragging an anchor behind him his entire life and someone had cut the cord, freeing him. His biological father was not the cold-hearted, evil person we had once thought he was. He was a kind, generous man who had made mistakes and spent his entire life paying for them.

They didn't discuss Jake's mother any further. They focused on their own relationship. Before we left him, he explained to Jake that he wanted a relationship with him, if he was willing. Jake thought about his proposition for a while. He finally told Ross that he would like an opportunity to get to know him. And that is where we left it, a perfect place to let everything settle. Everyone needed time to sort out the events that had transpired.

We drove home after that, both processing a multitude of emotions. In a short couple of days, Jake had met his biological father. He had also found out that his mother had been keeping secrets from him his entire life. It was a lot, and it wasn't hard to see that his head was spinning. I took a moment to take him in, try to get inside that gorgeous head of his. It wasn't long before he answered the question I had been struggling with.

"Sky, you have been so amazing this weekend," he began. I looked at him, shocked. He had gone through one of the most difficult times of his life. He should think about that, not me.

"You are my rock and I don't know what I would do without you," he continued.

"You know I am always here for you, always."

"I know that I love the way you have been here for every moment, holding my hand, holding me, you are amazing Sky."

"Well, I will hold you anytime you need me to," I replied. He gave me an adorable wink and shot me that crooked smile, the one that made my knees weak. At that moment, I knew that I could not live without him.

He continued, "I know I have not been a stand-up guy to you but I promise I will be. A little more time and everything will work out, please don't give up on me." Before I could even think about it, I let the truth escape my lips.

"Jake, the way you have treated me like a secret hurts, I will not lie about that. But, I have made my mind up and if this is the only way I can have you, then I will take it."

He looked both relieved and hurt. It was obvious he didn't like this part of himself any more than I did. It was a good thing that I liked the rest of him. He grabbed my hand and held it tight and I knew that I was exactly where I wanted to be.

When Jake dropped me off, he gave me the sweetest kiss. "I don't want to let you go," he whispered.

"I wish you didn't have to," I whispered back.

Leaning his forehead against mine and looking right into my eyes, he said, "I'll never get used to saying goodbye to you." We both sat there for a moment, wishing we could stay together forever until I couldn't take it any longer. I willed myself to pull away from him, giving him one final kiss and then disappeared into the house.

I noticed dad's truck wasn't in the driveway. Once I was in the house, it didn't take long to confirm that he wasn't there. What else was new? He never was, I was always alone.

After leaving the warmth of Jake, our house felt like the coldest, loneliest place in the world. There was no comfort there, just a cold and indifferent existence. I checked the mail and headed to my room for a little relaxation. Turning up my music, it felt a little less bleak as the melody filled my room. I plopped down on the bed and started looking through the mail when my phone buzzed.

"I miss you already," Jake texted. I missed him too, if only he knew how much. I remembered something that had been bugging me from the first night we met Ross and had to ask.

"Did you decide how you will handle the situation with your mom yet?"

"No, I am just going to downplay it until I can sort this all out," he replied. That sounded like Jake, avoid it until you can face it.

"Well, I am always here, free hugs and kisses anytime you need them."

"I always need your hugs and kisses, is that even a question?" he flirted back. He was so freaking adorable.

"I will see you tomorrow and dream about you tonight," I replied.

"Ooh, I'll meet you there."

I loved his playful response. Once I finished my conversation with Jake, I turned my attention back to the mail. It was junk and bills, but then I flipped to one that was very, very important. Was I seeing what I thought I was? There in my very hands was an envelope from Georgia Southern.

That was it, the decision that would determine whether I would get out of that hellhole.



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