Cast and Author

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Me: Hey, guys. Well I hope you liked this story. Anyways, we gathered here to say our last goodbyes. Okay let's start with Sam.

Sam: Seriously, of all this people here you just needed to pick me first?

Me: *rolls eyes*

Dušica: It's okay babe, I'll start. *kisses Sam's cheek*

Everyone: *rolls eyes* of coursee

Dušica: *glares* Anyway, thank you all so much for reading this story, for voting, for following everything that happened in our lives. Although I don't know why we are doing this when you are going to see us in the next book...

Mia: It wasn't all about you two you know?

Everyone: It kinda was...

Me: Okay, moving on. Alex would you like to say something?

Alex: Yeah, why the hell am I here? I'm dead you know and all that because you killed me. Have I done something to you??

Me: Well I at thought you'd at least be happy to see Sarah, that's why you are here.

Sarah: *puts her hand on Alex's shoulder and smiles*

Me: And you should be happy because I didn't make her date someone else.

Alex: *gasps* You wouldn't dare

Tom: Okay so she is here because she has a girlfriend but what on earth am I doing here?

Me: Well, I brought you here so readers and everyone in here could hate you *smirks*

Tom: Yeah, right. By the way Sarah, because you don't have anyone at the moment, would you like some sausage?

Alex and Sarah: Eww, back off.

Tom: Oh, shut it dead girl, if you haven't realized yet, you are deaddd

Alex: Yeah, maybe but I could still kick your ass.

Sarah, Dušica, me: That's my girl.

Me: *snaps fingers and Tom disappears while screaming*

Everyone: *gasp* You can do that?

Me: *smirks* Pretty much, yeah.

Everyone: *look away*

Kendall: And why am I here then?

Me: Basically for the same reason and because you are hot.

Everyone: Oooh

Kendall: You think I'm hot? *smirks*

Me: Ew no way barbie girl, nope.

Kendall: You literally just said that.

Me: Well I'm just stating what readers think.

Kendall: How on earth could they know how do I look like when you didn't even bother to put my picture somewhere in the book.

Me: *rolls eyes* Whatever.

Kendall: It's not whatever, you think I'm hot. *smirks*

Me: Shut up, just shut up!

Kendall: Whatever, you should consider yourself lucky that I am even trying to flirt with you.

Me: Well, you as well, should consider yourself lucky I even gave you some of my precious time.

Kendall: I beg you pardon?!

Ana: Don't bother please, she's a heartbreaker and a player anyway.

Me: *gasps* Am not!

Everyone: You are.

Me: *rolls eyes* Whatever *glares at Kendall*

Kendall: *glares at me*

Mia: Could you two stop eye fucking each other please?

Both: It's called glaring!

Everyone else: Whatever

Me: *sighs* Just shut up! Everyone. We were supposed to say our goodbyes-

Jon: Can we just hurry up, Charlie and I are going to London.

Charlie: Yeah, seriously this is taking too long.

Me: It wouldn't take too long if you all just focus!

Elena: Fine! Thank you everyone so so much for reading this book, your support meant everything to us.

Annabelle: Yeah! Even tho I was here for few chapters because author decided to just forget about me *glares at me*

Me: *facepalms* Here we go again. *takes a deep breath* I did that so you wouldn't do anything to Samica...

Marry: I don't think any of them is really her type.

Sam and Dušica: SHE IS NOT WHOSE TYPE? *pointing at each other*

Me: *rolls eyes* Kendall you are next

Kendall: Why me? Why not Emili or Ana?

Me: Just do it!

Kendall: *raises eyebrow*

Me:*whispers* Later okay? Just finish this quickly.

Kendall: *smirks* okay, thank you everyone for your support, really meant a lot. Now, let's go! *grabs my hand pulling me away*

Me: Kendall wait! Everyone, now!


Me: Okay, now we can go.

Kendall: *smirks and drags me away*

When the ice melts (girlxgirl) [complete]Where stories live. Discover now