9 - Níunda

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It was later during lunchtime when Sven properly introduced to us his fellow 'transfer-students'. The redhead girl who now sat with Starke and was giggling and whispering to him nonstop, was Kelyla. The other two boys reminded me of Fred and George from Harry Potter.

They did put a ton of salt in Starke's chocolate milkshake so...

Uriah and Alessio were built like Sven and sported tattoos with similar designs on their neck and arms. They seemed pretty cool but I still had no clue as to why they're all here.

I knew it has something to do with Sven. With his warning. Or with something else I don't even know about yet.

I really need to talk to him.

I turned in front of me to face Sven.

As if hearing my thoughts, Sven looked at me from across the table and gave me a hard look.

I immediately looked down at my lunch tray to avoid his knowing gaze.

The food here is much better than the stereotypical cafeteria food. On today's menu was a grilled chicken sandwich with fries and a brownie.

It looked really good but I couldn't bring myself to eat anything yet with so many questions running in my head.

"Are you gonna stare at it for eternity, or are you going to eat that?" Sven asked, clearly amused.

I immediately took a huge bite out of my sandwich and stuffed fries into my already almost full mouth.

He won't be stealing my food again.

"Yes. Very lady-like, Rayne," he said chuckling.

We were then joined by Hayes, Carson and Wyatt. Hayes had probably filled them in about the new students because they greeted each other pretty well and there weren't any introductions either.

"What took you guys so long?" Starke asked his packmates.

Wyatt laughed and said, "Not everyone has a remarkable tolerance for the Liet at their university. We were just, 'handling the situation'."

My eyes went wide at his words.

They're all Liet band members?
Is that what he meant by 'family'?

As they started talking to each other and asking about Kelyla and Starke, I zoned out again thinking about the whole situation, my unnerving dreams, my probable mate, and the potential danger.

I saw Sven try to sneak a fry out of my tray. I hit his hand hard against the table and he took it back immediately.

"Ouch! That hurt Rayne! I didn't know you hit boys!" he exclaimed in pain.

"If they're stealing my food, I'd hit girls like you too," I said eyeing him angrily and pulling my tray closer to me.

"Not bad, brute," he said, pausing before the adjective.

"Why are you even here Sven?" I asked him quietly.

"As part of the student transfer program. Duh," he replied with a smirk.

I kicked his leg underneath the table.

He glared at me but I ignored the sudden anger that flashed through his bright green eyes.

"Why are you really here, Sven?" I asked him again.

"I would tell you, if you were nice to me. But as you have been nothing but a terrible host, I have all the right to withhold information," he said, returning to his annoying self.

I could still sense his anger, however, and decided not to push it. It seemed as if he was controlling himself.

But I didn't even hit him that hard.

"What did they put in the milkshake today?" asked a very frustrated looking Starke as Uriah and Alessio erupted into a fit of laughter joined by everyone except Starke himself.

The bell indicating the next class rung just in time as I finished up the last bits of brownie stuck to my plate.

I said my goodbyes to everyone and headed to my next class. I really dreaded this lecture.

Not the subject, but the lecture.

Our teacher was a real bore who just kept reading the slides on and on.

I could sleep a good eight hours, wake up all fresh and still fall asleep in this class immediately.

"Hmm, Management," I heard his voice behind me. "Now what would you need this class for when you resolve everything with violence anyway?"

I gritted my teeth and hurried my steps. He's had all the same classes as I did since the first period and coincidence is not a word in my dictionary.

"Sven, leave me alone. If you keep this up, I'll think you're obsessed with me," I said, a notch away from running.

"I thought it was you who needed information from me?"

I could hear the smirk in his voice. I stopped in my tracks and waited for him to speak, only to hear him chuckle as he walked past me to reach the class door.

He walked up the stairs to sit towards the back of the lecture hall and motioned to the space beside him for me to sit down.

I sat down and took out my notebook and pen just as the teacher walked in.

I don't even write anything in this class.

I was just being fidgety and was sure Sven knew something about me that I didn't. I need to know what it is.

"Well?" I asked him in a low voice.

"Hmm?" he asked, pretending to be absolutely oblivious.

"Don't you have anything to say to me?" I asked, visibly bothered by his answer.

"I do."

"Well then, say it!" I asked him. "And don't give me something really stupid."

I was whisper-shouting now.

His lips curved into the smallest smile as he stared blankly at the projector screen in front of us.

"I know who you are, Rayne."

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