Chapter 38

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Your car halts to a stop in front of the palace's gate. The whole hour was nothing but pure silence. Even if you did try to start up a conversation or at least get Jungkook distracted from the argument you both just had, he wouldn't give in.

The latter was still avoiding your gaze as he and Jihyun exit your vehicle. And judging by the way he had harshly slammed the door of your car, you guessed he was still angry at you.

Sighing under your breath, you allow your hands to slip off the steering wheel before grabbing the handle of your door.

The cool breeze given by the fresh trees surrounding the area hits your face as you step out of your car, soon turning to face the latter.

You were still disappointed, But having him ignoring you was just too much. "Jungkook." Your voice came out rather slurred, desperation of his attention clearly dripping your tone.

He halts in his steps, debating wether to face you or not. As much as he wanted to just turn to you, he couldn't let his ego fall. You disagreed with him, and he hated it.

He tightly clenches his jaw when he finally made up his mind. Though it pains him so much to just ignore your call, he had to show you that he wasn't pleased with your attitude a while back.

The guards standing beside the gates bowed before opening the gates for him.

You can't help but feel that painful churn in your heart watching his figure slowly disappearing.

Jihyun's left confused at the situation, rising a hand up to scratch the back of his head as he slowly approach you. "Can you pick me up later Noona?"

Normally Jihyun would have someone driving him home, if not. Then it meant he stayed over the palace. You run your fingers through your hair before facing your brother, your eyes narrowed in a questionable manner. Not that you're not willing to pick him up, but you're just curious.

"Why's that?"

The latter smiles softly at your question, ruffling your hair real quick, that catching you off guard completely. That's your job, not his.

"It's because I wanna spend some time with you Noona." He replies, his tone sounding more like a whine as he slowly swings your arm sideways.

You can't help but release a chuckle seeing him like this. Pouting so cutely your brought back to the time when he was still a kid pouting for a cookie you refused to give him. You gave him a pat on the arm, nodding to his request happily. "When should I pick you up?" You ask, giving him a quick side hug before making your way inside the car, closing the door right after.

Jihyun leans over your window, his one arm resting on the roof your car. "Around 7:30?."

In a daily basis, your shift normally ends around 8:30 in the evening, but today you were told to stay until 10 to go around the procedures one last time for an upcoming operation. You can't believe you've forgotten about that. A frown makes its way up your lips as you lock gazes with your brother. "I don't think I can pick you up later Hyun." Jihyun could spot the disappointment lacing your voice, and he holds back from displaying a smirk.

"Then I'll tell the driver to drop me off there. "He doesn't wait for your reply, quickly sending you a kiss on the cheek. Just before he's able to walk off, you latched your arm through the window, taking his wrist in yours. "Are you sure? You'll get bored waiting for me Hyun. Maybe you should just stay he-"

"Then I can wait inside your office. No big deal." He shrugs it off, a slight smirk rising his lips before removing your hand from his. "I'll see you later Noona."



That faint familiar voice reaches the latter's ear as he slowly opens the door to his room. When stepping in, the Queen doesn't waste a second before engulfing her son into a tight hug, showering him with kisses he can't help but grin at. "Mom. I'm not a baby anymore." He whines, chuckling a bit.

The Queen teasingly smacks her sons arm, before attacking him with a bear hug again. "What do you mean your not a baby? You'll always be my Kookie-ah wether you like it or not."

She states with nothing but pure confirmation dripping her every word. Jungkook secretly rolls his eyes at that before pulling back from the hug, also allowing his bag to slide off his shoulder and land on the floor with a thump.

"Did you just come back from the hospital?" His mom asks. Jungkook hums in responds as he makes his way towards his bed, kicking his shoes off before throwing himself on the comfortable matress.
"And who drove you here?"


A sigh then escapes the queens perfectly pink chapped lips, well aware of who Jungkook was referring to. Her fingers travel up to ease out the wrinkle that had formed in between her temple, as she made her way towards him,

Jungkook feels the side of his bed deep, and when he tears his gaze away from his phone to his mom, he can't help but arch his brow. The Queen had a rather serious expression plastering her feature. Despite the passing years, she's still able to maintain her smooth features. Her delicate hands soon reaches out to cup Jungkook hands it in between hers.

The latter's left confused by the sudden gesture of him mom, he's body obliging to seat up, his back now pressed against the board of his bed.

"Kookie."The Queen starts out rather gently, her finger caressing his hand softly as she slowly locks gazes with his questioning eyes. "You love me right?"

Jungkook's taken a back by the sudden question. Of course he loved his mom. He may not show it sometimes, but he loved her more than anything. He slowly nods, brows furrowed still not getting why his mom had asked such question. The Queen smiles proudly, satisfied with his reply.

Slowly caressing his cheek, she then parts her lips to slip out the words she's been dying to say for a very long time.

"Then stay away from Y/n."

Noona, I Hate You! •Jeon Jungkook Royal AU • ✅Where stories live. Discover now