Chapter 3 - "What's wrong with being alone?"

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Music pulsed in Haley's ears, shutting out the sound of the world. The sun was in full force but she was used to its persistent glare. It was a mood every Californian was accustomed to. The smell of grass and hot concrete drifted around her.

From her designated lone tree she watched the ongoings of her peers. With nothing but lyrics and a pounding bass to hear, she formed conversations and stories around what she saw. A girl threw back her head and laughed as a guy beside her smiled.

Not dating yet, but give it a day or two and he will ask her out.

Another girl shoved a guy's shoulders, waved her hands and stormed off, tears already streaming down her face. A second girl chased after her, throwing the guy a death stare as she went. Sulking, the guy turned away. Haley took a bite of her sandwich.

Saw that coming two days again. Should know relationships aren't worth it.

Her gaze drifted over towards the tables and the clusters of students who had long ago marked their territory. Though the normal stereotypes were hard to distinguish, she knew they were still there. They always were. That's how life went, life was formed up by boxes and which ones people ultimately fell into.

It was how life made sense out of all the chaos.

When her musings landed her at the biggest table, she paused. Along with Jace was all the kids that made up the student council as well as the star athletes. A redhead sitting next to Jace was smiling at him, her meal forgotten in front of her. Jace's hands were moving about as he described some story. When his hands settled the girl laughed, the act flooding her cheeks with color. His lips curled in satisfaction.

And another one falls.

As Jace moved onto a new topic, Haley focused on the girl a few places down. She had black hair styled in curls, dark brown eyes, flawless skin and a manner of perfection. Everything about her said she was in control, even down to the way she sat with her ankles crossed.

A scowl formed on Haley's face as she tried not to think about the fact that she needed to talk to this walking beauty ad. But her thoughts were rebellious and focused on nothing else.

She was startled from her scowling when a shoe nudged her leg. Looking up, she found her brother staring down at her. His brown hair was neatly brushed aside and his t-shirt and jeans had the look of being ironed. Haley pulled out one earbud.

"What?" she asked.

"Sorry about this morning," he said. "I told you I had to talk over a project with Mr. Simpson."

"It's fine."

Haley was about to put her earbud back in when Matt spoke, his brown eyes curious.

"Who drove you here?"

"I had to get a ride with Jace, mom and dad were....talking."

Matt made a face at the ground and nodded.

"Yeah, I think I heard the start of that."

Silence was dragged between them, neither knowing how to get back a connection they had lost. Matt kicked at a twig as Haley fiddled with her earbud.

"Well, we'll leave at the same time after school. I'll meet you in the parking lot."

"Got it."

The earbud was back in its place when Matt tapped her leg again. Haley wanted to hit him for breaking her peace.


Awkwardly, he scratched the back of his neck. "Are you just going to sit alone?"

"That has been the general plan since...four months ago, so yeah I've decided to stick with it."

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