Chapter 42

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I open my eyes and blink a few times. I roll over and my eyes went wide when I realised Axel wasn't laying where he said he would be. His side of the bed was messy, looks like he slept in it-- but where is he? Did something happen to him?

Suddenly all my thoughts are pushed away when he appears out of the bathroom. He heads to the window and draws open the large, heavy curtains letting the sunlight in.

"Ahhh! Noo!" I shrieked, shielding my eyes from the bright light. It's way too early for this.

"Oh! Good morning princess! How you feeling?" Axel asks, taking a seat on his side of the bed.

"Well, if you must know- I have a bad headache and I'm still not ready to get up" I said, throwing a pillow on top of my head.

Axel pulled the pillow away from my face and brushed the strands of hair, tucking them behind my ear.

"Don't you have classes to attend?" He asks curiously.

"I do, but I'm skipping" I said in a low tone.  Wow. I would have never said that if I were my old self. Alot has changed.

"Oh okay. Well I'm gonna head back home, you're cool to walk to campus right?" Axel said with a smirk.

I sat up and glared at him. This guy is unbelievable.

"Are you seriously gonna let me walk?" I asked him.

He looked at me seriously then a cheeky smile played across his lips. I picked up a pillow and threw it at him, aiming directly at his neatly combed hair.

"Oy! Watch the hair" He said, standing up from the bed.

"Then take back what you said about walking!" I threatened with another pillow in my hand, ready to be thrown. This time I was standing on the bed, as if ready to pounce.

Axel let out a loud laugh before nodding in agreement.

"Alright darling, you win. I'll drop you off at school" He said, raising his hands up in defeat.

"Good" I replied, obviously happy I won the argument.

"Now go take a shower. James left some clothes for you to change into" Axel said, throwing me a spare towel.

I pick up the towel and looked him in the eyes.

"Whose clothes am I gonna be wearing?" I asked curiously.

Axel smirked at me as if my question was dumb. It's not, right?

"Some random girl he was f--"

"Okayyyy that's enough! I get it!" I said, cutting him off and walking slowly towards the bathroom.


After I showered and got dressed, I walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Axel was on the phone. He ended the call soon after I had entered the room.

"What's up?" I asked. 

"Oh nothing much, just mum wondering where I am since I didn't come home last night" Axel said, taking a sip of his coffee. 

"Oh.. well we better head off now so you can get back to her" I suggested, finishing off my glass of water.

Axel sets his cup down in the sink before walking in the direction of James' room.

"Let me go let this clown know we're leaving" he said.

Axel returned about a minute later and stood in front of my face. 

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