Chapter Twenty-Six

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 Pic of Esther.

Hailey's POV

Huge drops of rain splattered on the glass making a loud plop. Grey skies and the downpour of heavy rain looked gloomy and sad. I watched nonchalantly as every drop slowly slid down the glass leaving an empty trail. I felt nothing. My mind was numb and so was every part of my body. I guess this is what losing someone you love dearly feels like. I couldn't cry, the tears just wouldn't come. It was cold, dark and quiet and I felt comfortable in it. The smell of disinfectant was heavy in the air.

I turned and watched the limp body on the bed. The monitors attached were constantly beeping, the only indication that he was alive. I longed for any sought of movement but received none. Every now and then a nurse would come check the monitors and walk away. No one knew why it happened or what the reason was. I slowly stood up on shaky legs and walked to the single bed in the center of the room.

His pale, flawless skin was now chalk white and had huge bags circled around his eyes. His lips were chapped and the cracks on them were prominent. His eyes were closed and I longed to see those happy brown eyes that always made me smile. What I didn't understand was why he would do this. Did he not know that there were so many who couldn't live without him. He was so selfish that he thought about himself and not others.

The door creaked open and the pack doctor entered. He was wearing the standard white overalls and a stethoscope round his neck. His thin gold glasses were placed on his pointed nose and his grey hair was combed back making him look older. He looked at me with his hazel eyes and smiled warmly, but no matter what I couldn't return it.

"Doctor, can you tell me why he did this?" I asked, not recognizing my own voice.                    

"Lily dear, all I know is that he did this out of great depression. Can you tell me what was troubling him these few weeks?" He asked.

"He was fine when I left from my pack, but when he came here I noticed he was sad, but I can't be very sure." I shrugged as I looked down at Nate and locked my fingers with his.

"Lily, I know only one reason why wolves try to hurt themselves." He said sadly.

I scrunched my brows and stared at the doctor. "And what is this reason?"

"Werewolves are very emotional and attached. Their behavior towards a loved one is very extreme. In his case, I guess Nate must have found his mate here. But unfortunately his mate rejected him. That is the only reason I can come up with. It may not be true but everything fits perfectly indicating he was rejected" He said while looking at me intently

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