Chapter 10

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Taking a cold shower seemed to cool down Natalya's skin and the ache in her chest that spread through her whole body like waves. She got out of the spare bedroom but numbly found that she was walking to her bedroom. Her mate's scent was strong and it was as if she can feel it crawl out from underneath the door and wormed its way towards her.

It drew her in automatically. She gritted her teeth and slapped her face with her hands to snap out of the haze she was in. All she could think about was him.

She needed to stay away from him. She was about to turn and head back downstairs when her door whipped open. Her eyes flew to meet her mate's who were staring back at her with darkened coal-like eyes.

"Constantin." She whispered.

He took the few steps needed to remove any spaces from between them before pulling her into a hug. His noses trailed up and down her shoulder to her neck. His lips grazed her sensitive heated skin almost like a feather. It was so soft but she could feel every single graze. A shudder washed over her body and she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"It's heat." She explained. "We are both experiencing heat."

You smell so good. He growled and nipped her skin. She gasped softly at the new sensation that shocked right through her body and to her core.

How long can they resist this until it happens?

Why was she resisting?

She knew very well why even when she those questions passed through her mind. She didn't want to push herself onto him too fast. They were mates but there was still so much to learn about each other. Their primal and animalistic traits were making it known that this was unavoidable but their human side knew there was still so much to do. So much to cover.

"This is too soon." She managed to squeak out even when she was burning for his touch. It was like every part where they touched, it cooled her heated skin.

But it can't be avoided. He confirmed what she was thinking earlier. Her eyes watched the vein in his neck pulse and unable to resist she moved to place an open kiss on his throat. She heard his chest rumbled with satisfaction.

Instead of backing away, she became even more addicted to the taste of his skin. Her lips trailed upwards to under his jaw line. She scattered open mouth kisses. She even shamelessly gave him love bites. He didn't seem to mind and call her mad but it only encouraged her further. She wanted to mark him, let it be known that he was a mated wolf. Goddess, she wasn't able to control the surge or primal possessiveness that raged through her. She wanted so much with him. Her lips nibbled accidentally too close to his scar on his neck.

His body stiffened and his arms immediately dropped from her side. He looked tortured and she felt every rejection stab into her chest. She knew he wasn't rejecting her but it hurt that he wouldn't allow her to touch him.

"I-I'm sorry." She managed to say hoarsely. She took a step forward but he took one back.

It's okay. We just need to maintain some distance. Hopefully, it will not be as bad. He replied. Her gaze fell down to his neck where several love bites sat. Biting the inside of her lip hard, she fought the urge to grab him and mark him all over with love bites. He looked so good with all her bites.

She watched as he turned his back and walked out of the room. Her heart hurt. Shaking her head to clear her head of the warm desiring haze she walked out of the bedroom in search of her mother.

While searching for her mother, the gut feeling inside of her tugged so badly. The yearning to be close to Constantin was like a constant jab in her mind. She finally found her mother sitting in the sitting room, holding onto Leon.

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