So Much Blood

63 7 4

Warning: possible offensive content and suicide.
Word Count: 4317

I knew what he did was wrong, it was so horribly wrong and I should have said something to try and help instead of just standing there to watch him as he beat that pale skin an ugly purple, even black in some places. But my lips never moved in regards to Anti, I never tried to stand up for him.

Whoever the absolute genius of the Greeks was who had the idea to take two things that were either strongly loved or extremely hated and mixed it together was obviously sick of the mind and should have never been handed any sort of building tool, the design of the gymnasium encased the large wooden floorboards that served as the court for various school spots and acted as an amplifier, filling the room easily with the noise of hundreds of students who were chatting away with whoever they associated themselves with while they waited for the Pep Assembly to start. Sadly this kind of design made the sounds so much louder and did nothing to help the pounding on the inside of Jackson's skull, playing away on his cranium while a building pressure inside his head made the once headache slowly creep its way towards a migraine that he definitely didn't want. He was sitting in the very back away from everyone at the top of the bleachers, his shoulders slouched down and his legs spread so he could rest his elbows on them and cradle his poor head, he didn't entirely know what had triggered the painful pulsing in his head but he knew that it would only get worse when everything started and the students would be encouraged to stand and scream to show their school spirt. That oh so annoying song that the band was going back through for at least the twelfth time might have been another factor as well, that repetitious fight song that apparently favored the loud trumpets and even louder percussion was helping to drill a hole right through his bones and into his brain, the damn melody was already stuck in his head and if it wasn't for the pain he was already in he probably would have tried bashing it in so he would pass out and not have to suffer through this any longer. After another moment of resting his eyes and trying to relieve a bit of pain he sat himself back up, he arched his back against the wall he pressed back to and rolled his shoulders to pop them, groaning quietly once he did then moving to fix his hair and rub his eyes before he finally felt prepared enough to open his eyes and look out across the gym with a yawn.

Near the bottom of the bleachers, closest to the hardwood floor, of course were the jocks who were grouped accordingly to their particular sports, the star players along the first line and a few of their girls leaning into their sides with dopey, love sick eyes that only a few of those boys returned, it was sad really. Across from him he spotted the large portion of the richer kids all sitting next to one another, and within that there was a smaller group of four people that he could instantly recognize by name: Marvin, Schneep, William and Damian. They all were sat very close together, closer then anyone else in the entire building, other then the couples of course, but it was for a reason that he could only guessed pertained to the hidden relationship of the older two, it was completely their fault for him discovering this secret though, it wasn't his choice for William to be too impatient and stop Damian from looking over all the stalls before he was all over his . . . boyfriend; the two were most likely holding hands or something of that nature. There was another man who was leaning towards the eldest of that group, and from how fast his lips were moving and that perfected false look of interest on Damian's face they were having a conversation, the other suit clad man wore a cocky smile and continuously stroked certain parts of his blazer or tie. Bim was always quite weird, and every time he spoke it only showed that even more so.

The chatter that filled the room like thick, suffocating steam was no match for the loud and protruding sound of the drums being quickly struck in some random pattern that effectively drew in everyone's attention to the drummer and pushed their loud shouts to incoherent murmurs, drastically reducing the stuffy feel in his head and allowing Jackson to relax back into the wall with a content sigh, turning himself to the percussionist who's face stole his smile. Once the room was quiet and everyone was focusing on the corner of the room where the band was Anti's glowing green eyes darted over the room and his fingers twirled the drum sticks in an odd way that entranced many until he finally sat it down and motioned towards a younger woman with a completely blank face that was covered in healing bruises and an ugly stitch holding the skin of his bottom lip together. He threw one of his sticks into the air and caught it without looking away from the crowd so he held both in one hand, his body leaning forward and his elbows finding their place on the rim of the high tom toms, he leaned his head in the direction of a little blonde, turning to look at her as he was wondering why she hadn't began to speak yet. The girl realized this and her eyes went wide while her cheeks received a light pink hue that only made her all the more adorable as she ran out to half court in her lace white blouse and ruffled pink knee length shirt, most of her hair was hidden by a white hat but it was still obvious that she was an absolutely stunning bearcat.

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