The Plot

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*Claire's Father's POV*

I had waited patiently for my spy to return, I knew in my gut that Claire was in that wicked Myriad Pack.

My wife had grown sick from the loss of Claire. She could hardly handle it when Cameron had died, so she begged for me to find Claire and bring her back. That was exactly what I was doing.

I had grown impatient and angry with my idiotic spy. He had been out for days and hadn't even had the decency to return yet, when finally, I saw him approaching my pack's steel gates.

I waited for him to enter my office, eager to hear what he had to tell me.

"Alpha Caine!" my spies voice was hoarse and deep, "I-I saw, Claire. She was, she..."

"WHAT THE HELL WAS SHE!?" I had screamed at him, becoming impatient, annoyed and angrier with every word he uttered.

"She was The Golden Wolf." he stammered.

My eyes widened. I had made the biggest mistake of banning her and now she was The Golden Wolf?! I needed to make a plot- "did you find out anything else?" I questioned him.

"Yes, there were two males with her, one who seductively rallied with her and their Alpha was obviously jealous by his actions. He mumbled stuff about her being his and them being mates or something." he quickly said.

"Then what happened?" I snapped.

"Well I saw Claire, she- she turned into a golden wolf and stood between them." he replied.

I snickered. That was all I needed to hear.

"BETA!" I called.

Immediately, he entered my office.

"Yes, sir Alpha Caine." he spoke.

"I want you to arrange a meeting with my troops for sundown and send them to their training slots, no one may stop training until then, you got that!?" I had roared into his face.

"As you wish, Alpha Caine." my beta then turned around and left.

When sundown had arrived, my beta had arranged the meeting like I had wished.

My troops were all seated and ready to hear what I had to say- "troops! My daughter Claire has joined The Myriad Pack, the strongest pack we know of." my troops had stared at each other wide eyed, "and as we all know, my wife wishes for me to retrieve her- BUT, she is the golden wolf!" they exchanged uneasy glances within one another. I continued to speak, "I will address further details, after I have a word with my beta."

"Now scam." I said to my troops.

*Claire's POV*

Ugh! I slapped Dale on the cheek, "how could you be so stupid?!" I screamed at him.

"Me!? How could you!? You let the guy touch you!" he growled.

"We were rallying." I stated.

"Gah! Whatever! He still had his hands on you!" Dale turned away from me.

"You know what? Whatever. I'm gonna go get some air." I said, as I left his bedroom and made my way down the stairs.

I forgot to grab a sweater as I left, just now remembering that the outside was chilled and snowy.

It was night time now, so it must've been about 10-15 degrees outside. I rubbed my arms as I stepped out the back door, staring up at the moon.

The cold suddenly hugged me and wrapped itself within me, leaving me shivering to myself.

"You come here often?" I heard someone say to me. I looked over towards the voice, finding that it was only Luke.

"Ha, hey Luke. Uhm.. What're you doing out here?" I had asked awkwardly.

"I like the cold." he said, staring at the ground.

I, on the other hand, couldn't stand the cold, it had now suffocated me, leaving me breathless and unable to speak, I fell to my knees shivering.

Luke ran to my side and hoisted me up, "hey? What's wrong?"

"I'm just, really, really cold." I managed to slip out, while feeling pathetic since I had been the one who came outside in the first place.

He lifted me up and brought me back into the house, leading me up the stairs and placing me inside of a room... His room.

Luke had set me down onto his bed while pulling a blanket over me.

"You better now?" he had asked.

I nodded my head.

"Do you know how old the alpha is?" I had asked Luke.

"Yeah, he's 21." Luke had answered.

"Whoa, isn't that a little... young for an alpha?" I asked, suddenly shocked.

"Yes, but Alpha Dale was forced into being one at the age of 16 and he practically grew used to giving orders and running our pack. He was a natural. Our pack is now stronger and better than it's ever been before." Luke's words came out like a storm.

"Why was he forced?" I asked.

"Well, his father had died and his mother too, they were killed by a pack called the um, Scintilla pack or something-" Luke had said.

I suddenly felt guilt encase my entire body, "this whole time I had believed he had murdered the previous Alpha, when in reality, his parents were murdered by... my old pack." I said, nearly in a whisper.

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