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36. The Invisible Man

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Captain Zachary Flint sat at the round oak table in his quarters. He was staring at the lit candle, watching the wax melt and the flame flicker on the wick, as though it were the most fascinating thing he had ever seen in his life. He was deep in thought that his mind had turned blank, and he could no longer remember what it was he had been thinking about in the first place.

That was until he felt a familiar presence. He looked up and softly smiled towards his younger brother, who he noticed was grinning like the devil.

"What did you do?" Zach asked suspiciously.

Kirk laughed at the accusation. "I found a way to hide your ship from the navy."

Zach was intrigued and sat up straight in his chair, listening intently. "How?"

"Show him, Cain." Kirk folded his arms in front of his chest.

Zach jumped out of his seat in surprise and grabbed for his cutlass when a man appeared in front of him. The captain's heart raced in alarm, but he soon calmed down when he realised who it was — his brother's first mate, Cain Reed.

Zach sheathed his sword and watched with curiosity as the blonde pirate touched the oak table and it slowly started to disappear. Zach placed his hand where the table would have been and could still feel the varnished wood beneath his fingertips.

"Invisibility?" he questioned.

Maybe Zach wasn't all that mad with the sea witch, Morgana. She had been right, after all. She gave them a way to hide the ship from the navy. A slow, cheeky grin started to form on his lips, an up-to-no-good smirk that resembled his daughter's.

"Kirk, I ask of one more favour from..."


Zach looked surprised. "You don't even know what I'm going to ask."

"You want Cain to join your crew. I'm taking your first mate, so it's more than fair that you take mine. Besides, Cain is more than happy to tag along with you."

Cain nodded his head in agreement. "Jessica's my friend, and I want to help any way I can."

Zach smiled from Cain's words, happy to know his daughter had friends in a world so terrible.

"Then we shall proceed with the plan, effective immediately. Ruben, you shall sail to Harvest Island with Bart and Sam and collect Azalea. From there you shall head towards Halfway Point and sit in my place at the Brethren Court on the summer solstice. Apologise to my former captain for me."

Kirk nodded, and Zach continued as he paced his quarters. "Meanwhile, myself and Cain shall make our way to Hive Island, and with the use of Cain's newly formed invisibility power, we'll be able to bypass the navy ships."

Zach placed his hands firmly down onto the oak table as he looked over the map of Hive Island and its treacherous seas. One had to be an extremely skilled navigator to make their way through the strong currents, the outcrop of rocks, and the hidden reefs that surrounded the island. He smirked to himself; it was a good thing he wasn't just a captain, he was also the world's best navigator who once navigated Blackbeard's ship.

"As soon as the Brethren Court is over, send word via the Albatross Mail that you're heading towards Hive Island, and we shall help you get past the navy and through the rough sea."

Zach paced over to the mantle above the fireplace in his quarters, and his hand skimmed the many Mr Compasses he had collected over the years. He had given the First Edition Mr Compass to his daughter when he last saw her and hoped she still carried it on her. The compasses he had collected didn't all point north; each one was unique. One day he hoped to find the most famous Mr Compass of them all, the King's Compass. It was thought to be as much of a legend as the Golden Eye.

The Rookie Pirates (Parts 1-6)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant