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      The petals don't disappear from one day to another, for a while Mark continues coughing primrose petals, the only difference is that Jackson is with him, patting his back, soothing encouraging words to help him as the flowers in his stomach disappear. Luckily, the petals never come out with blood again.

Helping Mark, holding him tight after a fit, promising everything will be all right, has helped Jackson to strengthen his feelings for Mark, every day getting closer to how things used to be at one time.

Day after day, the petals become less frequent and Mark is recovering, colour is back to his cheeks, his eyes aren't hollowed, his body not just a skeleton. Mark looks alive again, healthy and joyful, oh so joyful. Having Jackson, being able to express his feelings makes his shoulders lighter and his whole body buzz with vitality. Mark smiles all the time and he feels with unmeasurable energy. Every time Jacksons looks at him and Mark can see the younger's emotions reflected in his gaze, Mark knows one of his flowers disappears as he starts to be more and more certain that it's true, Jackson is loving him back.

Jackson tries not to think of what he did, but it's impossible when he looks himself in the mirror and sees the scar on his chest, a constant reminder that once he got rid of his feelings for Mark. Regret always makes him wince, because so much would've been avoided if he had been more honest about his feelings, if he had just confessed. Pushed by that regret, Jackson makes sure to always follow his heart and be honest with what he feels, especially about Mark.

At night, Jackson often comes to see Mark to his room. The older smiles lazily and moves closer to the wall to make room for Jackson on his bed, the younger immediately cuddles up to him. It's when Jackson is like that, hugging him without saying anything, just enjoying each other's company that Mark is reassured it's happening, he's not stuck in an unrequited love.

"Markie," Jackson calls from his place next to Mark on his bed, one toned leg over his, wrapping around him. Mark runs his fingers through Jackson's hair in an absentminded caress. "Why did you think I didn't love you?"

"Because you treated us all equally. You weren't more affectionate with me or anything different. I knew you loved me, but as a friend. I guess that's why I didn't get sick until you started treating me different. I was happy with you loving me as a friend, at least," Mark answers honestly. "Why do you think you grew the roses?"

"I think it was because I missed you too much," Jackson answers. "Being away from you so often, wanting to see you and having to control myself not to make it obvious and ruin things... I was holding myself back, and I think that's why I got sick." Mark moves a bit, turning to face Jackson, pressing a loving kiss to his forehead. Mark thinks of Jackson alone, away, in pain, scared and thinking Mark didn't love him back, and the older feels so guilty for not showing his feelings, for not giving Jackson any hope to stop him from ever getting the flowers. He'll never stop getting guilty for Jackson having to get the surgery.

"I'm sorry," Mark mumbles but Jackson is shaking his head already, snuggling closer to Mark, hugging him tighter.

"Let's stop blaming each other, okay? We never meant to hurt one another." Mark breathes in deeply, trying to do as Jackson says.

Mark closes his eyes and just cuddles his boyfriend, breathing deeply to let Jackson's scent wrap around them, too, making him feel protected and at home. Jackson, his sun and home in a country that's not his or Jackson's.

"Do you know I love you?" Jackson asks after a while, softly, like a whisper but in their quiet state, Mark hears him clearly.

The older pulls back just a bit to see in the other's eyes the honesty and many feelings that swirl in the brown gaze. Mark smiles slowly, feeling so warm and content when he looks at Jackson and can actually feel his devotion and love.

"I do," Mark smiles widely, feeling his heart fluttering.

"Good, because I love you a lot," Jackson grins, tilting his head to press a kiss to Mark's tip of the nose, causing the older to giggle.

Delighted with the reaction, Jackson starts pressing kisses all over Mark's face in between of 'I love you's that make Mark laugh louder, high pitched, overjoyed.

Jackson stops to stare in Mark's eyes, his expression serious and solemn as he raises his hand to cup the older's cheek. "I love you," he declares and Mark feels his heart swelling with love, his stomach filled with butterflies, not deadly flowers.

"I love you, too," Mark replies, smiling so bright and happy.

Returning the gesture, Jackson leans in to finally kiss Mark's lips, softly but oh so loving.

And that's just so like them, always making sure the other knows he is loved.

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I want to thank everyone who read this short story and voted for it. I hope you enjoyed it and to see you soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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