You're a Foreigner - Part 2

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The trail took them in switchbacks up the steep side of a valley. It leveled out on a ridge with a cinemascope view of the village below them and the mountains guarding it.

Jake stopped, with Adriana and Art close behind him. Rashid and the Meiers had fallen behind and were nowhere to be seen.

Even though surrounded by frozen water, Art felt parched. He fished a water bottle from one of his bib's numerous pockets. It was from Gigi's shop and had set him back by another five Tavetian francs.

The latecomers arrived, all three of them puffing.

"This is Redrock Ridge," said Jake.

"Awesome," Rashid was panting heavily.

"Now, the official path continues down that way." Jake pointed to the right, where the purple stakes descended into the next valley. "It goes down into Wildwater Gorge and then turns back to Oberippenberg... about an hour's walk. There's an alternative, though, but it's a little longer." Jake stopped, and his last words hung in the air like a playful monkey—a teasing, grinning primate displaying a row of impressive teeth.

"Tell me about it." Adriana took the bait.

"Hm... we could walk up along the ridge now. That would take us to Redrock Peak. It's a walk of about 45 minutes. The view from up there is incredible."

"I'd love to do that," Adriana said without hesitation.

"I think my mom and I would rather go down and have a cuppa in one of the restaurants." Ralph's roundish face was flushed, and pearls of sweat glittered in his brow. "But you guys can go up there if you want... we'll wait for you in the village."

"I'll join the coffee group," Rashid said. "To be honest..." he grinned. "... I've had enough uphill for one day."

Jake nodded. "Well, we could split... You can't miss the trail down to the village. Just follow the stakes and the signs." He looked at Art. "What about you?"

Art eyed the path leading into the gorge. He did feel his legs, but he wasn't exhausted. The prospect of some more uphill walking didn't daunt him, but the main question was who of his neighbors he wanted to prod with questions.

His male intuition decided on Jake. "I'll come up to the peak with you."

"Great!" Jake looked happy. Then he gave the Meiers directions to a coffee bar near the cable car station where they would meet again.

After they had bidden their farewells, Jake took the lead towards Redrock Peak.

After they had bidden their farewells, Jake took the lead towards Redrock Peak

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The peak wasn't really a peak. Rather, it was almost flat at its top. A metal cross at least twice Art's height stood patient guard on it.

"Here we are." Jake took off his backpack to place it at the foot of the cross.

They had the world, literally, at their feet. Most of it, at least—the endless sea of fog to the north, lower mountains to the west. There were higher peaks in the south and to the east, with untouched flanks of sheer white and rocky black. The village was hidden from where they stood. It was just them, and the brilliant landscape under a flawless sky. And complete silence.

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