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« my heart is stone, and still it trembles. »


"IT'S ON our list, Allie!"

"Don't call me that. And I don't care. I am not watching Less Mi –"

"Les. Les Misérables."

Allison sniffs. She dropped French freshman year, anyway. "Whatever. I'm not watching the French one with you. I allowed The Phantom of the Opera, but I draw the line here."

"We have to watch it!"

"We really don't."

Toby looks at her – and there they are – she was wondering when those ridiculous puppy dog eyes would make an appearance.

"C'mon, please? For me?"

Allison arches a brow at him.

"Fine, for your English mark this semester?"

At this, she purses her lips. Toby has a triumphant look in his eye, and for good reason – Allison will do pretty much anything for her grades. "Fine."

"Great!" Toby beams, and she rolls her eyes. "Is next Tuesday good?"

"Can't," she shakes her head, then at Toby's questioning look, she explains: "I have swim practice." She grimaces at the thought.

"I thought you dropped swimming at the start of last year," Toby cocks his head sideways, studying her.

"I did," she says, not even bothering to ask how Toby knew that. "I started again at the beginning of this year for –"

"College apps?"

"Yeah," she makes a face, and Toby chuckles.

"Yeah, laugh," Allison says darkly. "Laugh at me. But you're practically on Julliard's doorstep anyway, so you don't have any idea of my struggle."

"I'm sorry," Toby says, smile still playing on his lips. "I think it's cool, though."

"What, swimming?"

"Yeah," he grins. "What other secret talents have you got hidden up your sleeve?"

"Swimming is hardly a talent," Allison tells him, but her mind drifts immediately to the password protected folder on her laptop, filled with files upon files of scientific research. "And nothing. I'm not a very talented person."

"That's bullshit," Toby snorts.

"Oh yeah? I bet you can't even name three things I'm good at."

"Just three? Easy."

"Go on, then."

"English. Bio. Swimming. Done."

"Yeah, well, it's nothing on you," she informs him, changing the subject slightly. "Toby Martin: singer, dancer, actor, baker, and doughnut maker extraordinaire – "

"I think you're over-exaggerating slightly," Toby interjects.

"I really think I'm not," Allison retorts.

"You are."

"Fine. Name one thing you're not good at."

At this, Toby hesitates. There's a long pause, and he lets his eyes drift to the soccer pitch that they're sitting by (the both of them on best friend duty – Toby here for Daniel, and Allison here for Lydia, who's here for Brad).

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