Part 2

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Keenan drove his weight against Lyla's torso, forcing the air from her lungs. On the verge of blacking out, she looked into the eyes of a wild, frothing beast and found no trace of remorse or empathy. He would have his way.

Salvation arrived in the form of Jack Bentley, eyes wide and nostrils flared. He grabbed Keenan by the shoulders and hurled him aside.

Keenan hit the ground hard then rolled to his knees.

It took a moment for Lyla to comprehend that she'd been rescued. She gasped, gulping oxygen,  then drew her tongue across her swollen lip. She sat up and felt the chemicals swishing around inside her skull. When she refocused on Jack, she saw his lips moving, but his words didn't make their way to her ears.

Keenan backed away and pointed an angry finger as he got to his feet. "How 'bout staying in your lane, dude?"

Jack advanced. "Put your hands on her again. Watch what happens."

She fastened her pants, steadying herself against a parked car, still trembling from the attack.

"My phone," she heaved breathlessly. "Where is my phone?

He retrieved her phone and handed it to her.

"Thanks," she murmured and tucked the phone into her jacket pocket. She got down onto one knee and seized her shoulder bag. Her makeup and mirror lay in the grass. She tossed her makeup into her canvas bag then caught a glimpse of herself in the cracked mirror.

Lyla's black eyeliner created a raccoon-like ring around her eyes. Tear tracks trailed down her freckled cheeks. She looked like a ragged freak. She lowered her head in humiliation and wiped her face with the sleeve of her jacket.

"You okay?" Jack repeated a little louder.

She nodded while fishing around inside her bag. She produced her car keys.

"Where do you think you're going?" Keenan snapped at her.

"Back the hell off, dude." Jack turned up the volume. "Something about that you don't understand?"

Keenan eyed Carissa who made her way out of the shadows toward Jack.

"What happened here?" Her voice cut through the pounding music.

Jack glared at Keenan. "Somebody stepped way the hell over the line."

Lyla wished that she could have disappeared before Carissa saw her. She pulled a small clump of grass from her hair.

Carissa narrowed her eyes at Keenan. "Who is this guy?"

"She's my girl," he responded.

"I am not your girl!" Lyla fumed. "We used to..."

"You two?" Carissa's brows furrowed.

"Everything's good here." Keenan dusted the dirt from his pants. "Right, Kitten?"

Before Lyla could respond, Carissa cut in. "What is wrong with you? Go away."

Keenan gave Jack a steely glare. "Why don't you stick your nose in that sweet muffin instead of where it don't belong?"

Carissa cringed. "Ewwwwwwwww."

Jack clenched his fists. "Shut your mouth, dude. You don't want to push this any further. Trust me."

Keenan tugged at the zipper on his jacket, up and down, up and down as he assessed the situation. "Big tough jock. Screw you," he snarled. "I'm gonna get another beer." He made his wavering way back toward the farmhouse.

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