Jacob: Devil in a Dress

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The Dirty Kiss

Jacob was in a underground nightclub filled with Mob bosses and politicians alike, dancers filled the club and cigarette smoke was rising to the ceiling . Jacob's cover was that of a young Russian mobster, he was even talking to other Russian mobsters that were convinced his name was Dimitri. Sophia came in on a twenty something Indian Mobster's arm. Jacob could see he had fresh bruises all over his neck, he could guess how they got there. All eyes were on Hiran Arya, or rather the wild thing in the red dress. Hiran had to go to the mangers office to discuss business with his farther.

based on the way everyone was looking at her Sophia knew she wouldn't have to pay for drinks.

But she was only interested in Hiran's older brother Jamal, the heir to their criminal empire. Jacob was making up some story about how he killed a Russian police chief in Moscow while Sophia was seducing Jamal.

"Where are you from?" Jamal leaned in with drink in hand.
" Come on you just want to get me into bed, not that I'm complaining." Sophia said playfully. Jacob noticed her shot glass looked a little cloudy and he's hoping she doesn't drink it, their plan might not pan out if she goes unconscious.
Sophia went for a kiss and Jamal was enchanted so much so his eyes were closed long enough for Sofia to switch their drinks. Jacob was waiting for plan B to begin.

As soon as Jamal finished his shot glass his head thumbed on the bar, of course Sophia smashed the shot glass on the back of his head for good measure. Jamal's guards drew their guns on Sofia but Jacob took them both out with two shoots at their head. A mobster blindsides Jacob with a heavy right hook which knocks him to the ground. He has to fight hard to get back on his feet while multiple mobsters kick him down.

Sophia did a somersault over the bar and grabbed an awol, and she went to work. The mobsters weren't afraid to give her a thrashing but she went on the offensive with the Awol. She used it as if she was a painter but her results resembled that of a remorseless butcher. One of the Mobsters was able to wrestle the pick off her by banning her head against the wall. Even though her surroundings had now become a blur she wrapped her legs around the mobsters throat and forced him to the ground while also breaking his neck. The crack was so loud you could hear it over the heavy base in the background.

Jacob was using his elbows and knees to great effect, he was using his raw power to kill with his bare hands.
The mobsters were still trying to surround him but he used shot glasses and pool cues to thin the herd.
A mobster draws a gun but Jacob disarms him and shoves it in his mouth and....(Bang).
Jacob moved around the club in a tactical manor keeping the handgun close to his body making it harder for mobsters to take it of him. He noticed the gun was getting lighter, he responded with a swift reload. Mobsters started dropping like files.

Sophia performed a sudden leg sweep only to deliver a lethal kick to the head, she sees a mobster fiddling with his gun behind Jacob. She grabs a peice of glass and tosses it right in his eye. She receives a harsh blow from some dusters to the side, but at this point adrenaline has filled her body so she just sends a knee into his groin and she takes him to the ground. She mounts him, breaks his fingers, takes his dusters and beats the shit out of him. She realises it was Hiran and she pauses for a second and smiles, she drags his eyes out with her nails.

Jacob ran out of bullets a will ago but his handgun is still a decent blunt force weapon. He finishes of most of the remaining mobsters by pistol whipping them in the head. He picked up the Awol Sophia lost and used it to brutalise anyone in his way. Out of nowhere Jamal and Hiran's farther Aarav burst on to the scene with a shotgun. Jacob and Sophia took cover before their heads were blown to bits. Aarav roars like a tiger, he may be on the older side but he has enough rage to kill ten men.
Sophia sneaks up behind him, sweeps him of his feet and stabbed him in the heart repeatedly with broken glass. When she looked up her face was covered in mobster blood. She stared at Jacob with those devilish eyes.

The Safehouse

Round two was well underway, they were both covered in blood but they were to busy tearing each other's cloths off to notice. Maybe they did, maybe all that blood got them in the mood. Make no mistake this wasn't lovemaking, it was furious fornication. It was as if they were still in the nightclub, they threw each over around, aggressive hair pulling was plentiful and they both battled for domination. Even though this felt more like close quarters combat neither of them could get enough, and then he said it.
" Fuck I think I'm in love." And Sofia Jumped on his shoulders and took a bite into his neck taking him to the ground.

Meanwhile a docile Jamal was spread out in the corner watching the whole thing unfold.

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