Just the Two of Us

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I watch him, how he looks rough. His black hair unruly, in every direction as anyone could tell he hasn't bothered to brush it for days. His clothing is different, no longer just a worn t-shirt or sweats, but rather a pair of combat boots and a flannel. He looks rough. My eyes follow his every movement, watching as he walks up to the door. My parents could smell the rogue scent on him the moment he parked his car on our driveway. Unlike many who would see Flynn and immediately want to harm him, a smile spreads across my face, my fingers gripping the handle of my luggage as my father is outside loading his car.

I watch as Flynn walks to my father outside, offering him a welcome smile as I watch my father not respond how I would expect him to. With the last luggage for the airport in my presence, I let go of it, heading for the mirror as I watch my father not just shake hands with Flynn, but pull him in for one of those 'bro-hugs' where Anton can tell it is one of respect and almost like an acceptance of family. With my mother beside me, I can tell she is also surprised, slightly gasping as I reach for the door handle.

The moment that they stand apart from one another, I run, the door swinging open as his eyes meet my own. I throw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck as he swings me around twice. Am I happy? Is it not obvious. As my feet touch he ground, I look to Flynn, what I already want to ask already about to be answered as he parts his lips. "I told her about my decision," he comments, wrapping an arm over my shoulder as I nod, worried about how Luna Willow took it.

"Flynn," my mother calls from the front door as I watch as a neighbor's door opens up. They can smell Flynn's rogue scent and it only means judgement upon my family's name. "Come on in, don't be a stranger, we are just loading a few of Amory's luggages."

Flynn smiles, walking with me to my mother as she stands in the doorway, awaiting us as my father follows. Already it seems as if they are treating him like a son or boyfriend...unlike the rest of the pack could ever as long as he holds the rogue scent.

The second we enter our house, my mother offers Flynn some lunch. As Flynn enters the kitchen, I give my father the last luggage, overhearing how my mother asks how Flynn is doing. Within ten minutes Flynn is following me up the stairs, looking at all the pictures lining the walls, each of me growing up that can cause me to become deeply embarrassed. The moment that I open my bedroom door, Flynn places his lips upon mine, lightly pushing me up against the wall as I run my fingers through his tangled black locks.

"What happened?" I ask, breathless as Flynn pulls away, his lips brushing across my collarbone. "How did you mom respond?"

He takes in a deep breath, pulling away as I expect bad news, only for a soft smile to trace his lips. "She said that she understood. She also told me that she has kicked my father out of the house and will be telling the pack tomorrow night at a pack dinner about their Alpha." I'm shocked. Alpha Cade is out of the house and the pack will be informed about his behavior. "She also says that the pack doors are always open to me."

"I am relieved," I comment, happy that the Luna has taken these massive steps. Taking my fingers from his locks, I let a soft laugh escape my lips. "You may want to take a shower before our plane leaves." Flynn nods, smiling at my remark as he agrees. It seems like he hasn't showered for a few days. Though I will say, the five o-clock shadow upon his face does not just make him look a bit more mature, but also sexy.

Within twenty minutes Flynn stands beside me as we watch my car prepared for the trip to the airport. With my parents just grabbing a few objects from the house, there's a countdown until my departure. But if this were a different story, I would be leaving Flynn behind, waving goodbye as I would know I would not be able to see him for a while. But this is my story.

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