XVI ■ heXes and O's

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I watched the swirls of steam slowly rise from my porcelain mug before drizzling in a bit of honey. The sticky sweetener would go along way in masking the bitterness of the wolfsbane I had secretly steeping in the dark, amber liquid. Just because I had agreed to give Gabriel a chance at this little thing called love, didn't mean that I also had to give up my plight at becoming human.

Speaking of human, with a startled gasp and a panicked look, Gabriel quickly pulled up into a sitting position on top of the bed. As his eyes quickly flickered about, I could see my name forming on his lips as he searched for me in the dimly lit room.

"I'm here," I called out, knowing full well that the sound of my voice would have an immediate calming effect.

As his gaze finally came to rest on me, he leaned back against the pillows. Though he should have been well rested, Gabriel hadn't left his bed in a little over a week. Without his wolf, the once all mighty Alpha King, was slowly deteriorating before my eyes.

I took a long sip from the herbal tea before placing the cup back on the table.

"I think it's time for us to seek answers elsewhere," I began, getting up from my seat and moving towards the bed. "I think it's time for me to visit Wilhelmina."

Gabriel winced as he once again shot up too quickly. "Absolutely not!"

He all but practically yelled as sweat instantly formed on his brow. At just the mere mention of me leaving, the look of abandonment returned in his eyes. He was afraid I would disappear, just like his wolf.

"Gabriel, you're not well." I gently stroked the side of his face before sitting along the edge next to him. "If there's even a chance that Willie can help you--"


A deep frown settled across my face at his stubbornness. "You're being ridiculous."

"I don't care."


"I said no!"

At the soft knock on the door, my arms settled over my chest as I turned away from the King. "Come in," I instructed.

"Yer Majesty," he gave a slight bow of his head as he cautiously entered the room. "I could nae help but overhear ye 'n' Alexis talking."

"Of course," Gabriel scoffed. "And I'm sure it's safe to assume that you're on her side?"

"Whit the lass suggests is nae such an ill idea--"

"Alexis is not going anywhere!" the King roared.

He trembled slightly, following the outburst. His eyes momentarily flashing a sadistic black. With an awkward clearing of his throat, he looked up at us.

"I have requested that she not leave my presence." His voice was a bit more calm as he gave his explanation.

"Weel," Fergus' forehead creased with concern as he looked between me and the Alpha. "I wis thinking that mibbie I cuid gang in her stead."

My eyes widened before turning towards Fergus. "That's not a bad idea!"

I chided myself for not thinking of it sooner.

While Fergus rushed to get some paper and a pen, I took a seat back down by my forgotten cup of tea. When he returned, the look of disappointment did not go unnoticed as he glanced towards the mug. He remained silent, however, and I quickly scribbled a note to my friend explaining briefly that we needed her help.

"Do you think we can trust her?" Gabriel asked as I placed the letter into Fergus' hand.

"I'm almost positive we can," I smiled.

Slaves to the Moon | DRAFTTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon