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"Now, what's a nice girl like you doing in a time like this?"

Kairos hadn't had to do a lot to Sam to bring him up to the fashion standards of the day. Idly, I wondered if the seersucker suit had been from Sam's private collection—and if it wasn't, how in the world Wardrobe had managed to get one in his size on such a short notice. But regardless of who was responsible, I had to admit it was a clever choice. The blue stripe of the material was a near-match for Sam's eyes.

He leaned one massive arm over the cab door, grinning at me in a self-satisfied way that I had to remind myself wasn't endearing anymore. I didn't dignify him with an answer.

"Aw, c'mon, sugar. That was a pretty good line. At least give me a smile." He glanced further down the street. "Don't know where you're headed, but why don't you hop in? The meter's running."

"It's not too far away. I can walk." I could feel my stockings slowly rolling their way down my knees but I couldn't dare touch them. Not in front of Sam. "Besides, I wouldn't want to keep you from your appointment."

"Appointment?" he echoed before nodding in recognition. "Oh, that. Let's just say she wasn't my type. And if you don't mind me being a mite forward, I don't think that boy was your type none either, now was he?"

Sparing a glance behind me, I half-expected to see Henry emerge from the restaurant. The street was crowded with unfamiliar faces. "I guess not."

"C'mon, Ada." Sam slid his bulk over. "For old time's sake. Promised you lunch, didn't I?"

"It's a little past lunch, I think."

"Then I'll buy you dinner."

I puffed my cheeks, buying myself some time to think of another excuse. "No. I can't, sorry. Teddy would be furious."

"Only if he finds out." Sam gave a diabolical chuckle. "Boy's still keeping you in line, huh? How is he?"

"Teddy's all right." I was hoping a short answer would end the pleasantries, but Sam just looked at me expectantly. "He's working for Kairos, actually."

He nodded. "Thought I might have seen him when I checked in. What department?"

"Hair and Makeup." I waved a hand over my face. "He was my stylist today."

"That's a relief. I was gonna have a few choice words if he was working in Wardrobe." His gaze dipped down to take in my outfit, lingering a little too long on the hem of my skirt. "I think a nun's habit would've been more provocative."

"Gee, you sure know how to make a girl feel special." Somehow I managed to sound annoyed despite the telltale warmth spreading through my face. I shifted my weight, unsure if he was enjoying the view or if he could see that my stockings were slipping. "Look, Sam, I'm not sure what you're up to, but this isn't the time. I just got out of a bad date. All I really want to do is go home and eat my feelings."

"Sounds like fun." He extended his hand to me through the open window, expression softening. "Why don't you let me make it up to you?"


"Seems a shame to let some no-count loser ruin your whole evening. C'mon." Sam patted the seat beside him. "I'll show you a good time. Maybe we'll find out why they call it the Roaring Twenties, huh?"

I hesitated.

It was a terrible idea, but the temptation was there. I'd seen Sam more in the past two weeks than I had the past two years and was curious to know how he'd been. Moreover, I wanted to know what his game was. While I seriously doubted Teddy's theory that Sam was behind the break-in at my apartment, I knew all too well that my ex was never without an ulterior motive. The coincidences were stacking up fast.

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Time travel is legal and Ada Blum is looking for love. But what happe...
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KairosOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz