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Aubins POV.
Previously on His Alpha Her Omega... She gets down into the floor next to me and hugs me. "C-can I see him?" She nods slowly and helps me off the floor. I follow her down the hall; the smell of mint and pine trees gets stronger as we get closer to a room. We stop in front of a door with the words 'Do Not Disturb'. She takes a deep breath and opens the door slowly and quietly. But little did I know I was never prepared for what I see next....


He looked horrible, broken, and helpless. He has a thick bandage on his head his face full of scars. He also has cast's on both his arms and legs and another thick bandage on his chest. The only movement in his body is the rise and fall of his chest. He looks so peaceful yet sad. He had a bunch of wires connected to him and an oxygen mask on his mouth to help him breath. Seeing him like this was unbearable. My chest got tighter and it became harder to breath but I quickly fought the urge to pass out. I needed to be there for him.

I couldn't help but realize that the nurse had left us in here. I'm a bit grateful she did, I needed some space. I reached my hand out and softly run my hand down his face. I further inspect this mesmerizing and majestic creature that I am blessed with. I smile to myself as I feel the heart warming sparks embrace our touch. My cheeks burn red at the thought of him. Suddenly his gorgeous chocolate eyes flutter open. For a second he seams relaxed, like he hasn't quite yet realized I'm here. But in the next couple of seconds he's quickly overthrown with fear.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you. I'm your mate, my name is Aubin Feng. What's yours?" I say softly so I wont scare him. I smile sweetly as my face turns a light shade of pink. "M-my n-name is D-Darius Jackson." He whispers so quietly that if I didn't have werewolf hearing I wouldn't of heard him. His voice was so... peaceful and soothing. It's my new favorite sound. And then suddenly, he closes his eyes and lets out a loud whimper and grunts in pain. He opens his eyes and all I see in them is pain. But somewhere deep in his eyes I see something that I never thought I'd see. Love.

"Please let me go. I need to go home before they see I'm gone. Please I'm going to get into trouble if I don't go home." He whines anxiously. "Are you serious? Look at you, you're practically in a full body cast and you think I just gonna let you walk home? No." I say with a firm yet sweet tone. "Please?" He says softly. I almost give in but I quickly top myself. I let out a small sigh. "Look, Darius, I love you too much. I cant let you go especially when you're in what I'm guessing to be a full body cast, heck, I almost lost you today. I'm not letting that happen again." I say- my voice dripping with sadness and self anger. "Okay," he mumbles softly. Deep in his voice there is such sadness. But I don't know how to help him.

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