Prologue: Part 1

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To everything there is a season, and a
Time to every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die...
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance
-The Holy Bible

Hayworth Estate;

The streaming sunlight from the only window of the birthing-chamber fell on the blood-stained bed, containing the Lady of the household in an utterly disheveled state.

"Push, my lady. Push."
The midwife almost shouted over the hassle inside the small, warm room.

Saya felt like her body was on fire. The room felt hotter than ever and the sweaty air suffocated her.

She gave another cry of anguish as the next contraction hit her.
It was the early hours of dawn and the contractions had started last night while she was still trying to sleep.

Altogether, it had been almost eight hours of labour and she knew she had very little strength left in her.

"Saya, please. You have to be strong. Do not loose will."
Lady Margaret held on to her hand even tighter.

She had been there all the time and Saya was grateful for that. She did not know if she could have done this without her and Eleanor.

Her sister-in-law, who was more like her dearest friend, stood at the edge of the bed, wiping her forehead with a wet cloth.

"You can do this, Saya. Just push. I cannot wait to see my niece or nephew."
Eleanor spoke in a voice which was trying hard to sound light but Saya could easily make out the worry in her eyes.

She knew she had lost a lot of blood and had very little time left.

But she did not say anything.
She could not waste any strength.
She had to fulfill the duty of bringing her child to this world- for herself as well as for the two women standing beside her.

Saya wished her husband was with her.
Though she had not forgiven him yet, she felt an inexplainable need to see him. If only for the last time.

she whispered, her voice hoarse from all the crying.

Lady Margaret stole a quick glance at her daughter, before turning to her daughter-in-law.

"I have sent the men to call him. He would be here any minute now. You just keep your strength. Do not worry, my dear."

Saya tried to smile at her words but it quickly turned to a frown as she felt more blood gushing out of her entrance.
She felt dizzy and light-headed.

"My Lady, may I have a word with you?"
The midwife asked approached Lady Margaret with a very grim face.

Lady Margaret's heart sank but she still nodded her head and motioned for the midwife to follow her in the corner of the chamber, near the wooden crib that had been placed there earlier.

"My Lady, I am afraid that Lady Saya has lost too much blood- and she is still bleeding. The flesh has been torn to a large extent. The babe is positioned upside down in her womb and if he remains in there any more, I - I fear he will suffocate..."

Lady Margaret let out a gasp and put her hand on her mouth.

"We have to be fast, My Lady. Even if we save the babe, I fear there isn't much chance of Lady Saya's survival. The babe is big and his shoulders will only tear more flesh."
The midwife's face was sympathetic as she spoke in an anxious tone.

Lady Margaret felt her heart sink down to her stomach as she listened to her words.

No. This could not be happening. She could not lose any of them. Neither Saya nor her grandson.

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